Avon, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
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7.9 Hours played
This is one of the simplest yet effective advertisements for the VR platform on the market. It is not graphically demanding compared to other games, requires minimal locomotion so it won't induce VR sickness in the uninitiated and does not wear out its welcome. It is the game that persuaded me to get VR, a choice I do not regret.

However, the decision made by those managing the game to utterly remove critical narrative content from the game as of July 21st 2021, with no option to retain said content, is unacceptable. The boundaries for story telling in gaming cannot be expanded and richer experiences delivered unless there is a willingness to stand by controversial design decisions and refused to be cowed by moral busybodies.

Tabletop games do not make you worship Satan.
Rap music doesn't make you commit drive-bys.
Video games do not make you violent.
Video games do not make you sexist.
Virtual Reality does not make you kill yourself.

Do not settle for this. Do not buy this game until the full unabridged content of this game is reinstated with an option to toggle the offending material.

Do not compromise with neurotic control freaks. They will never stop taking from you what they have no right to.
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