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309.6 hrs on record (53.9 hrs at review time)
Feels like Bioware 2009.
Posted 30 December, 2023. Last edited 2 April, 2024.
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80.1 hrs on record (46.4 hrs at review time)
haha Broadswipes cleave go brr
Posted 12 March, 2022. Last edited 14 March, 2022.
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21.7 hrs on record (3.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Engaging mix of gameplay mechanics and storytelling to create a branching narrative. Didn't feel pressured into any specific interpretations of the given scenarios, it generally let you shape and control a character toward both positive and negative development. The standout from typical CYOA seems to be the focus on the characters internal conflict and their interpretation of events. I personally enjoyed the level of reflection present -- definitely lent itself well to playing someone contemplative.

There are a few minor UI issues at time of writing but haven't experienced any crashes or the like. Also worth noting it's quite short at present - maybe an hour or two per playthrough due to it only containing the first act.
Posted 18 October, 2021. Last edited 18 October, 2021.
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210.6 hrs on record (197.8 hrs at review time)
It is a far greater victory to make another see through your eyes than to close theirs forever.
Posted 1 July, 2019. Last edited 1 July, 2019.
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5.5 hrs on record (3.7 hrs at review time)
Closer home to the quality of Choice of Robots in terms of writing compared to more recent COG titles. Enjoyed it until the end, which seemed a bit rushed, but I'll reserve judgement on the premise that there are more endings, and I may have just got one of the less well written ones.

Worth the price imo, will update when I get another playthrough in.
Posted 21 May, 2016.
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13.0 hrs on record (6.6 hrs at review time)
Kill me now.
This game is actually difficult.
Posted 1 January, 2016.
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150.1 hrs on record (136.7 hrs at review time)

Jetbeams can't melt steel fuel.
9/11 overkill.
Posted 20 October, 2015.
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8.9 hrs on record
While this doesn't live up to the original as much, I think it's definately worth the $3 I paid for it, sunk a few hours into it so far and it's quite fun. Still prefer the original though as the combat is far more polished.
Here's why:
->Crosshair doesn't seem aim to where you're actually shooting with ranged weapons. (either that or there is some serious bullet spread.
->Sometimes headshots don't work, other times headshots happen when you think it's going to miss.
->Zombies get stuck quite alot.
->Had some weird screen glitches during combat. (flashing bars which went away after alt-tab)
Posted 8 July, 2015.
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5.3 hrs on record (4.9 hrs at review time)
No regrets.

I played the other Sakura Games, this one definately better. It feels alot less contrived, albeit it still pushes the protagonist into 'comprimising' situations quite frequently (more in the second half than first). I enjoyed the actual story (that being: without the yuri parts; enjoyed those too if you know what I mean ;) ) and got frustrated with the protagonist (myself as I like to see it) not trying out a few things with her 'gift' during combat.

Looking forward to the second chapter.
Posted 5 June, 2015.
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67.6 hrs on record (34.1 hrs at review time)
It's on sale now so it won't cost you much...Only your soul.

After EP5...
I have no words.

"I need a new Episodic game series"

So my friend bought me a copy of LiS in February 2015, as a birthday present. I'd never heard of it, but it seemed like an interesting concept, especially after he introduced me to the Walking Dead and the Wolf Among Us. How naive I was back then...

Life is Strange is probably one of the most enjoyable linear-sort-of-interactive games I've played, that alongside the Walking Dead and The Wolf Among Us.

Gameplay-wise it's a walking sim, with an interesting twist of time travel, which allows you to do a whole miriad of things you usually wouldnt be able to do. (Read: Saying the right things ALL the time)
I overall enjoyed the narrative style, something you'll have to find out for yourself, just so I don't spoil most of the major points.

A feature I really liked about this game, which I haven't seen in other games I've played, is that at points in the story you can just sit down: listen to the music, and hear the thoughts of the protagonist on the current situation. It adds just a little bit more authenticity to the overwhelming events which have befallen our dear Max Caulfield.

Something I really enjoyed was the art style and cinematography used. It's very cohearant, and nothing seems out of place, unless it's used to enhance the jarring effect of the circumstances. Scenes are well planned, an camera angles and shots are used to enhance the content: the game comes across as very filmic. Infact at times I find that it rivals even art house films in the amount of effort put into something as simple as camera angles. The dappled pseudo-impressionist art style is something I really felt immersed me in the universe. Personally I believe having a hyper-realist game would have been far less impactful and authentic.

To wrap it up I'd like to say that on the whole I really enjoyed this game, I connected with the main character, and spent the time after an episode in complete shock. I then proceeded to tear my hair out until the next release, because I ABSOLUTELY needed to know what happened next.

So I'd rate this as my GOTY for 2015. Ofcourse it all depends on taste, and what you're looking for: but give it a try in anycase, you never know, you might enjoy it :D.
Posted 2 February, 2015. Last edited 29 December, 2015.
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