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40.6 hrs on record (38.7 hrs at review time)
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Posted 9 November, 2022. Last edited 10 November, 2022.
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5.1 hrs on record (3.2 hrs at review time)
Egyszerű, intuitív, és végtelenül nyugtató - megfűszerezve azzal az annyira imádott "aha!" pillanatokkal.
Ha van egy szabad órád melóban, nyugodtan tedd fel.
A "zene" külön dícséretes, minimalista ambient.
Filléres cucc, fogd és vegyed, addig se iszol.
Posted 2 September, 2019.
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11.1 hrs on record (5.1 hrs at review time)
Hát baszki, ez a játék....

Roguelike-szerűen nehéz és random, viszont aki a hack&slasheket szereti, is megtalálja benne a számítását.
Még nem játszottam végig, de szerintem az újrajátszási faktora nagyon nagy, jódarabig installálva lesz a gépemen.
Posted 13 September, 2017.
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17.2 hrs on record (9.8 hrs at review time)
The game is great. Valve on the other hand, is not.
However - don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.
See you, space cowboy.


I know, I know I've let you down
I've been a fool to myself
I thought that I could
live for no one else

But now through all the hurt and pain
Its time for me to respect
the ones you love
mean more than anything.

So with sadness in my heart
I feel the best thing I could do
is end it all
and leave forever
whats done is done, it feels so bad
what once was happy now is sad
I'll never love again
my world is ending

I wish that I could turn back time
'cause now the guilt is all mine
can't live without the trust from those you love.
I know we can't forget the past
you can't forget love and pride
because of that it's killing me inside

It all returns to nothing, it all comes
tumbling down, tumbling down,
tumbling down,
it all returns to nothing, I just keep
letting me down, letting me down,
letting me down,
in my heart of hearts,
I know that I could never love again
I've lost everything
everything, everything
that matters to me,
matters in this world

I wish that I could turn back time
'cause now all the guilt is mine
can't live without
the trust from those you love
I know we can't forget the past
we can't forget love and pride
because of that, its killing me inside

It all returns to nothing, it all comes
tumbling down, tumbling down,
tumbling down
it all returns to nothing, I just keep
letting me down, letting me down,
letting me down
It all returns to nothing, it all comes
tumbling down, tumbling down,
tumbling down
it all returns to nothing, I just keep
letting me down, letting me down,
letting me down
Posted 25 August, 2017.
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2 people found this review helpful
4.0 hrs on record
Vágod Professor Laytont? Na, akkor ez neked való! Kb. ugyanaz.

A játék maga szórakoztató, mind stílusát, mind játékmenetét tekintve.

Annak ellenére, hogy NAGYON rövid, és a feladványok javarésze (2-3tól eltekintve) egész könnyű, érdemes kipróbálni.

A sztori nagyon sután és cliffhangeresen van elvágva a végén, de a 2. rész pontosan ott folytatódik, ahol az első abbahagyta, így ha ezt megveszed, MINDENKÉPP vásárold meg vele együtt a Puzzle Agent 2-t, mert igazából a két játék együtt ad ki egy egészet.

Összességét tekintve pozitív, bár lehetne hosszabb.
Posted 30 September, 2016.
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1 person found this review helpful
3.1 hrs on record (3.0 hrs at review time)
This is a really challanging SHMUp. You WILL die. Like, a LOT.
But don't let the difficulty frighten you.
Git gud.

Also, awesome soundtrack by Machinae Supremacy, check them out.
Posted 25 August, 2016.
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Showing 1-6 of 6 entries