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:devilskiss: I AM THE GOD OF HELLFIRE :devilskiss:
:stress: Heresy grows from idleness :stress:
:Mstar: Хай буде атом робiтником, а не солдатом :Mstar:
:steamsalty: Absolutely honor No Honor :steamsalty:
:2016butterfly: Under sunshine pylons we'll meet while rain is falling like rhinestones from the sky :2016butterfly:
:bonfire2:This land was peaceful, its inhabitants kind (once):bonfire2:
:orb:Darkmoon Blade (was fun in ds1)- making the world a better place one beaten sinner at a time:orb:
Minuteman-II (LGM-30F)
The LGM-30F Minuteman-II was an improved version of the Minuteman-I missile. Development on the Minuteman-II began in 1962 as the Minuteman-I entered the Strategic Air Command's nuclear force. Minuteman-II production and deployment began in 1965 and completed in 1967. It had an increased range, greater throw weight and guidance system with better azimuthal coverage, providing military planners with better accuracy and a wider range of targets. Some missiles also carried penetration aids, allowing higher probability of kill against Moscow's anti-ballistic missile system. The payload consisted of a single Mk-11C reentry vehicle containing a W56 nuclear warhead with a yield of 1.2 megatons of TNT (5 PJ).

The major new features provided by Minuteman-II were:

:orb: An improved first-stage motor to increase reliability.
:orb: A novel, single, fixed nozzle with liquid injection thrust vector control on a larger second-stage motor to increase missile range. Additional motor improvements to increase reliability.
:orb: An improved guidance system, incorporating microchips and miniaturized discrete electronic parts. Minuteman-II was the first program to make a major commitment to these new devices. Their use made possible multiple target selection, greater accuracy and reliability, a reduction in the overall size and weight of the guidance system, and an increase in the survivability of the guidance system in a nuclear environment. The guidance system contained 2000 microchips made by Texas Instruments.
:orb: A penetration aids system to camouflage the warhead during its reentry into an enemy environment. In addition, the Mk-11C reentry vehicle incorporated stealth features to reduce its radar signature and make it more difficult to distinguish from decoys. The Mk-11C was no longer made of titanium for this and other reasons.
:orb: A larger warhead in the reentry vehicle to increase kill probability.
:orb: System modernization was concentrated on launch facilities and command and control facilities. This provided decreased reaction time and increased survivability when under nuclear attack. Final changes to the system were performed to increase compatibility with the expected LGM-118A Peacekeeper. These newer missiles were later deployed into modified Minuteman silos.

The Minuteman-II program was the first mass-produced system to use a computer constructed from integrated circuits (the Autonetics D-37C). The Minuteman-II integrated circuits were diode-transistor logic and diode logic made by Texas Instruments. The other major customer of early integrated circuits was the Apollo Guidance Computer, which had similar weight and ruggedness constraints. The Apollo integrated circuits were resistor-transistor logic made by Fairchild Semiconductor. The Minuteman-II flight computer continued to use rotating magnetic disks for primary storage. The Minuteman-II included diodes by Microsemiconductor.
Passing through Kerbin's atmosphere at "high" speed
总时数 960 小时
最后运行日期:2 月 11 日
200 点经验值
总时数 90 小时
最后运行日期:2 月 7 日
总时数 0.2 小时
最后运行日期:2 月 5 日
成就进度   0 / 10