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31.8 óra az elmúlt két hétben / 3,473.4 óra a nyilvántartásban (5.6 óra az értékeléskor)
Közzétéve: 2017. nov. 30., 8:11
Frissítve: 2017. nov. 30., 9:47

i've been playing this game for just over a month, so this review will be refined over time, but for now ..

- Irrationally inconsistent physics. some vehicles/structures can be ploewed through. others that seemingly should be, result in a dead stop. it makes no sense that an AV of any size cant crush or at least push a semi trailer bed out of the way. same thing with most houses. if housing is meant to emulate an unpassable barrier, then give them an appearance that justifies impassability, or cause them to crumble in a way that severly hinders or makes passing unfavorable. perhaps adding a reward/penalty system for avoiding needless destruction of property could help as well.
- Hard stop map edge. The irregularity of the maps edge has caused me to get stuck between it and other objects, while enemy AI was able to roll cirles around me crossing any way which it pleased. most other games handle this with a soft, crossable border and a timer penalty, or other terrain means of preventing passage, like tank ditch, hedgehogs, dragons teeth, rocks, etc. map should be visually navigatable without suddenly running into an invisible wall because the striped line of was obscured on the ground.
- scoring could use a rework. the way it is now people get pissed off for 'stealing' their kills. which is somehat immerison breaking because in a real situation a teammate would be glad you took out an enemy theyve been pummeling before it was able to reload and kill them. i dont have any suggestions as to how, but i noticed some occasional toxicity from children players that spazed out over shared kills.
- wheel communication should be available during staging 30 seconds. i dont se a reason why its not.
- probably a bug, but when going through trainig mode (which is excellent btw) i had to quit the game through normal means. the next time i started it asked me again to create a player name and start trainig from the beginig. i gave up on this and simply returned to my previous non -steam client

- great immerseful graphics of vehicles and terrain
- intuitive controls
- (mostly) friendly community of other players
- very well thoughtout and implemented loot crate system, And smart daily incentives that encourages not only playtime but also diverse usage of vehicle classes which helps to ensure serveres are not dead, and that there is almost always a vehicle type available for your teams needs.
- fun training mode that rolls out controls and features of the game in a comfortable yet useful way.
- its actually really fun to play
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14 megjegyzés
Isla 2024. okt. 9., 11:02 
OMG, your review is like, super detailed and awesome! I totally love how you explained everything. You're amazing! 😍✨
Staal Burger 2018. dec. 7., 4:54 
I’ve been playing Armoured Warfare since 2015. Yesterday (7 December 2018) I bought a premium bundle in the Mycom webstore for $64, but I did not receive anything from them. I tried to get a refund, but they are refusing to refund me. I mentioned this on the forum, and promptly got banned. Only give them money if you don’t care about getting anything in return. Also check the forums about server crashes: no less than ten major crashes just in this past week. Play it, it is free after all, but DO NOT be tempted into giving them your money.
Hikari Sakai 2017. dec. 7., 14:00 
We will see once the game gets finally released onto consoles and get proper advertisement. But now we wait, also the "Cheating AI" aren't really cheating anymore, not sure when was the last time you played the game but yea seeing that you mentioned AI SPG's just letting you know they removed AI SPG's ages ago. Although I will admit I fucking hate the ATGM spam aswell, thats by far the more annoying part of PvE but if you play smart you can get through it, go for view range retrofits as those will help greatly in not getting spotted so easily while spotting AI. anyways I don't expect you to play the game anymore but I still enjoy it and I really don't want this game to die as there is literally no other tank game with modern tanks in all honesty and I spend way too much time getting every single tank in the game so hopefully in the future it turns for the better, atleast the XP grind is forgiving.
MADmonkey 2017. dec. 5., 14:29 
Play Aw all you want, I stil do occasionally, Just don't get cought in the hype and spend

My.Con/MailRU did not even advertise the steam launck outside of it's forum, facebook page and launcher.
Even on Steam My.Con/MailRU did not pay for pop up advertising, you would not know Aw was even on steam outside the small AW community.
My.Con/MailRU are spending the least effort and time on AW as possible, while going into overdrive releasing re-skin after re-skin premium vehicles and selling some very expensive packs to milk money to pay for?
This philosophy is killing AW, look at the Steam launch number's


Cloud pirates form My.Con/MailRU lasted 6 months on steam before they pulled the plug, don't get milked.

MADmonkey 2017. dec. 5., 14:17 
It's a waste if you spend on it. I Got cought up in early the first days of open Beta when the Aw team was selling "founders packs" and advertising them as "supporting the game". I got cought on the promises they made and supported the game, big time.

As time progressed and things got worse, I like a fool beleived the lies and still spent, even though I was one of the many permanently banned from the forums for voicing valid concerns that My.Con/MailRU call "incting unrest".
The nail in the coffin for me was Obsidian being fired for not maikng a proper WOT clone.
I stopped spending and waited to see if My.Con/MailRU dev's would fix the game as they claimed Obsidian was the reason AW had become a mess.
Fast forward to now, and AW gets worse every patch. Fix one thing break 5 other's.

I don't want other's cought in My.Con/MailRU's lies and be milked of money that My.Con/MailRU won't even put back into NA/EU server.
Май нейм из Джефь 2017. dec. 5., 3:30 
MADmonkey - thank you for your valuable feedback, dude. it didnt go unheaded. from what i understand, this game went through at least 3 different iterations before i started playing it, and what they did to original developers was exceptionally shitty.

you spent/wasted money on it and that fucking sucks. from the perspective of a free loader, though (like myself) who hasnt spent anything on it and so far has no reason to spend anything, would you say the game is still a waste? its hard for me to call it that because as a stricltly freebie, its super fucking polished.
MADmonkey 2017. dec. 4., 22:18 
Yeah I spent ALLOT of time and cash on AW to get all the stuff I got, Im no salty noob!
I'm just a weary player, who wasted way too much on a game that is so bug ridden and full of issues that the Developer's My.Con/MailRU are in their own words "not willing to advertise AW in the current state it is"

Anyone willing to spend money on AW is really dumb, including me, my friend's all left AW long before I stopped spending on AW.

The developer's of AW are not even willing to spend money to advertise the game properly.
Why should players spend on a game the developer's have no faith in spending money to advertise themsevles?


MADmonkey 2017. dec. 4., 22:01 
@ xboxgamer969 "I rarely play PVP/GLOPS in AW" because I MOSTLY play PVE in AW. My PVP is mostly played in WOT.

I was playing AW PVE almost exclusively until about 1 year ago when the AW team decided to screw over PVE players with cheating poorly coded AI. I now play 1-3 PVE games a week.
I own all the vehicles in dealer tree incuding premium's with over just over 150million credits and too much free xp to bother to count.
Until AW fix's it's frustrating cheating AI, that has included AI SPGS, HE spam, now ATGM spam, auto pen, snapshot, no aim time, no need to turn turret, ignoring rules and restrictions players vehicles have like AI swingfires firing ATGM's point blank when players ATGMS go up and then miss when fired at point blank, I don't need to play.

If you enjoy AW go ahead, just don't be like me and spend. I regret every cent I spent on AW.
Hikari Sakai 2017. dec. 4., 9:49 
look, not everyone wants to have their heart racing at 120bpm, some people actually enjoy the more chill laid back experience. Not everyone is looking for a hard challenge
Май нейм из Джефь 2017. dec. 4., 9:44 
MADMonkey - my top tanks are tier 5. i have played PvP some, but mostly PvE because i like the shifting objectives that unlock as you proceed within the PvE mission. for a game that is balanced in a way that i havent had to spend a penny on it yet and didnt feel compelled to do so with everything else that it offered to me for free, i am satisfied with it for the time being.
if it gets boring for me at tier 6 and beyond i'll certainly come back and add that. until then, i dont feel like people are risking anything by giving this free game a try and seeing for themselves if its for them.

as far as repetitveness - *all* games are eventually repetitve within themselves. if repetition consists of an activity that strikes the players fancy then its not a negative attribute. the 25+ vehicles that i have unlocked so far and customized offer enough variation to spend an hour or 2 on this game per day.