626 23/set./2022 às 2:04 
Hey, I wanna buy ur tf2 spells, add me to discuss please
Honorable Lord Biggie Cheese 3/jun./2021 às 12:31 
PEPSIMAN-せいみにと 4/jul./2019 às 18:32 
I can donate four foreskins
Void 14/mai./2018 às 12:28 
sorry he's a cheater
KahMei 25/abr./2017 às 1:29 
I'm sorry shrek, I had to do what had to be done.
WHO IS STRELOK??? 12/jun./2016 às 17:12 
hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggggggggggggaaaaazyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaaaaaaaaa :steammocking:
Fizzy Dinosaur 28/nov./2015 às 15:50 
Hey, if you just tried to invade me for the nuke, sorry bro, just found my very first one to steal (they are always already being invaded by another player), stole it, disarmed for the achievement. It appears you tried to invade me while I was in menus doing said disarming. Philanthropy group is all over them, taking them on-sight, so it's rare to find anyone with a nuke period, much less one who isn't top-tier defenses all around (like my scrub ass). Don't know if you care about any of this, truly sorry if I cockblocked your achievement though.
WHO IS STRELOK??? 30/jun./2015 às 9:40 
hi :postcardf:
Nicolas Mage 21/jun./2014 às 11:37 
This is hilarious
Sherlock Holmes 2/jan./2014 às 13:58 
you guys are disgusting
Rigatoni Rich Evans 1/jun./2013 às 14:52 
Coyote 10/nov./2011 às 19:26 
YES, Best Adult Swim Character ever
count mecula 24/abr./2011 às 17:46 
dammit, I'm not a pedophile

or am i?

Username123 10/jan./2011 às 12:12 
Call ur friends and SUCK MY BALLS
Username123 7/jan./2011 às 0:37 
you can always suck my balls if u want
Username123 7/jan./2011 às 0:36 
pedofiles? som1 said pedofiles??
Grandpa MR43 30/dez./2010 às 5:12 
lol i saw that video
lockstrafe 23/ago./2010 às 4:39 
That must be the feller who masturbates all day!