Billy wonky da Snek   Gizeh, Al Jizah, Egypt
click on this if you want to trade some nasty garbage with me :D
🐍 Billy the Snek
Just a snek, slithering through life, expertly avoiding responsibility.
If I’m not gaming, I’m probably napping or plotting my next escape from adulting. If you hear a hiss, I’m probably dodging my chores. 😈🐍
Currently Offline
100% Hisss, 0% Accountability
Sssnek here! 🐍 I'm Billy the Snek , your friendly neighborhood slitherer, who spends most of my time hissing at things that move (or don't). I do a lot of slithering through the best games, mostly to avoid responsibility, but hey, someone's gotta stop those unsuspecting foes from feeling too comfortable. 😈

When I’m not plotting my next sneaky move or basking in the glory of a successful ambush, I’m hanging out with my snek squad. What’s better than a group of sneks who’ve mastered the art of causing chaos and not having to explain themselves? Absolutely nothing. 🐍💥

If you’re into good vibes, playful hisssss, and a suspiciously large amount of gaming, you’re in the right place. My sssnek crew and I are always up for some mayhem—just don’t ask us what we’re actually doing here. It’s complicated.

Hisssss for now! 👀
Artwork Showcase
fine to do it some time ssss
Screenshot Showcase
floating smoke lool PLZ CS why
Recent Activity
2,191 hrs on record
last played on 3 Mar
5.1 hrs on record
last played on 17 Feb
530 hrs on record
last played on 3 Feb
Albert 14 Jul, 2022 @ 12:12pm 
+rep has long shlong
Saggy Haggy McGaggy 2 Feb, 2022 @ 4:55am 
I mean, how hard can it be?
Lucht sounds like luft (air) and schappij sounds like skepp(ship), airplane?
Zonnebril sounds like some type of medication :D
Hor sounds like hour. Maybe clock?
Achtentachtig sounds like something Hitler would scream...
Vuilnisbak...I have no idea. Volcano? :D

Oh ♥♥♥♥, almost had flygbolag and klocka was right! And 88 was not so far from the truth...
I'm very confident I pronounced them all perfectly.

Here is something for you;
Sju sjösjuka sjömän sköttes av sjuttiosju sköna sjuksköterskor på det sjunkande skeppet Shanghai.
Zeven zeezieke matrozen werden verzorgd door zevenenzeventig mooie verpleegsters op het zinkende schip Shanghai.
Saggy Haggy McGaggy 31 Jan, 2022 @ 4:58am 
+rep. Min moder är en hora
VOITURA 4 Jul, 2021 @ 1:01pm 
Ubbe 4 Jul, 2021 @ 10:37am 
VOITURA 4 Jul, 2021 @ 9:30am 