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280.0 hrs on record (271.7 hrs at review time)
I have said, and done unspeakably racist things in this game against the damn dirty GI's, and I don't feel completely ashamed.
Posted 17 February.
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22.7 hrs on record (9.1 hrs at review time)
The freaking visuals are straight up the same as the cinematic visuals from Rebellion, not a freaking exaggeration, they are the same effects and same quality as the effects from the freaking cinematic opener from Rebellion.
Posted 19 December, 2024.
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8.4 hrs on record
EDIT - I've turned this to a negative only because of principle, I've uninstalled the game as well just because of that. I'm not able to comfortably play a game which imposes a blatant Chinese censor system, it's not two way, it's explicitly one sided and it's not tolerable to me.

Legit fun as all hell.

-Maps are great and well made
-Destructive environments to a certain extent
-Tons of gameplay creativity when it comes to the characters
-Balanced (relatively, there are still some meta bumps right now)
-Music is solid and on point
-Voices and banter are also on point

They've really got something here, I truly do enjoy how the game flows well with the gameplay, I also love the highlight feature you can pick at the end. All in all, this would definitely be a game to keep an eye on in the future and the now.
Posted 16 December, 2024. Last edited 27 January.
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23.5 hrs on record
Don't bother anymore if you care about data privacy and whatnot, I disagreed with it as they wished, and they deleted the account progress and whatnot to start anew. It was already trash and a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ hellstorm of toxicity, but this basically ruined any chance of goodwill.
Posted 24 June, 2024.
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181.7 hrs on record (9.0 hrs at review time)
[EDIT] --- I've played, WAY longer now, like ten times longer since I reviewed last, and I'm going to say that FOR ME...this game has given me far more for my money than I ever expected. Nevermind some of the frustrations, this game has a ton of replay value on its repetitive loop. I want them to add another horde mode, and more campaign maps, I hope they continue to expand the game in the future despite it having already gone through dev hell.

[EDIT 2] Alright, I'm gonna put this out there right now, I've got 160+ hours on this right now, and I can't stop, I legit can't stop just trying out different designs to figure out what works best for me. The devs don't seem to want to change the whole vanguard thing, but it's cosmetic so I don't mind all that much. I just want them to add more content and do more now, because ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ there's a lot of fun to be had in this game, such a simple concept and such a solid execution.

So...I'm gonna start this off by saying it's rough, it's really kinda just in need of sanding in the right places.

Other than that, there's just an air of it having a lot of placeholders and cheap props to decorate the maps, but honestly the decor doesn't matter, the feeling of hunting in the maps to scavenge feels good enough that I don't mind.

The basic idea is you go into maps with a mobile outpost that sets up and acts as a retrieval post, and you gather materials, resources, blueprints, etc from randomly generated maps. I will warn you, the maps are decorated with generic unreal store props, so don't expect them to be amazing. The backgrounds however, are freaking cool, from the night sky, to the weird giant technomurdermachines sitting in the sky, they all look cool and give off an oppressive robot murderlord feel.

I digressed, once you get these resources and whatnot, you upgrade your outpost, and your own personal equipment. The flow goes like this, Scavenge-load up-extract-go to next location-do return to base last stand- profit. That "return to base last stand" can be tricky, since the other scavenging maps give you a false impression on how enemies behave, and you often times have to decide when to either leave stuff behind, or take it with you.

I'm nowhere near far enough yet to give it a deeper insight, but just from the 9 hours I've played so far, it's pretty good. The voice acting ain't too bad for a game like this, the writing is pretty generic, the story is even more generic, but it's got potential. The game itself feels like they've got passion in it, so there's definitely love somewhere involved.

- Gameplay is pretty good
- Story isn't bad
- you get your moneys worth
- devs are definitely developing it
- addictive if you like hunting for junk

- At times feels like a cheap crankout game
- has a hard curve
- shooting feels janky and sluggish
- almost feels like a mobile port
- performance issues at quite a few points.

All in all the game is quite decent, and is priced appropriately for what it is, there's definitely a lot of potential and there is a lot of fun to be had. I can easily see myself failing and re-trying many extractions for hours, just did one for an hour today and I can't really hate it given that it was a challenge.
Posted 29 May, 2024. Last edited 25 June, 2024.
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203.7 hrs on record (122.3 hrs at review time)
Prefacing this now, you will get your moneys worth on time alone. It's fun, simple and has a unique ending gimmick which isn't for everyone...but it is cool.

It's a bethesda game, they've long since accepted the fact that we're going to be modding the hell out of it, but they didn't skimp on their usual branding because of that simple fact. You can definitely tell a LOT of the game has clever corner cutting, and not so clever corner cutting, pretty much because AGAIN consoles are the limiting factor. They did develop the game well though, it's a good stage for us to play on.

With that being said, loading screens are going to be common so you better have this on an SSD, but it's not as bad as it sounds, fast traveling is the best option for you at the moment.

Bugs aren't as prevelant as some of the hate mobs are trying to make it out to be, it's honestly bethesdas least buggy game on launch and even the bugs that do exist are minor and easy to undo for the most part. Be forewarned about disappearing ship visuals, reload to a previous save or you'll have your new atlantis ♥♥♥♥♥♥ for good.

I didn't make this as eloquent as I would normally do, since there's not much to say. Game plays well, has solid visuals, is pretty stable, has good amount of content to enjoy, this much time and I've not even done 30% of the game.
Posted 24 October, 2023.
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4,166.6 hrs on record (3,868.3 hrs at review time)
I've played it for a little bit, and felt I needed to give it a good shakedown long before I wrote a review.

Though my conclusion is simple, get this game, nothing more, nothing less, I'm not going to convince people who don't wanna be convinced, if you aren't convinced by just "get this game" then you aren't my target reader.

Posted 26 February, 2023.
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13.6 hrs on record (11.7 hrs at review time)
Didn't think about this game for a long time, because I had fallen out of love with these types of ship combat games, but when Evolve kinda got a relight by accident, I began thinking of old games from long ago that I stopped playing.

The short of all this ramblings is this, the game is still good, I still have fun even when I'm paired with bots. The player count is sadly low, but it can go back up, honestly I see no reason it can't go back up. There are some minor issues with balance that need to be addressed, namely one or two ships fitting the OP Meta, but other than that you still have more than enough chances to win if you just play and adapt to your preference.

Me, I love the repeaters of jupiter arms, so I can't bring myself to play much else.

Honestly the game is good, it's fun, simple, and has a lot of potential to return, should really keep it going if it does have a resurgence.
Posted 28 August, 2022.
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86.4 hrs on record
Alright, I'll just start this off by saying...yes, the combat is a pain in the ass, and the grind to just not die, is quite boring at first.

The voice acting being quite good on its own, the actual placement and context in which it is put into the game, is just god awful. You WILL be skipping like...40% of the conversations you have, but the good news with that, is you get a simple transcript you can read in quests.

Characters are basically copy/pastes of each other, and a lot of them are just the most generic archtypes you can slot in, but they just manage to work. Quests are sometimes annoying, and until you can cheese the game long enough to get enough money to get enough elex to get enough points to get enough attributes to stay the ♥♥♥♥ alive for more than one hit...you're going to have to rough it out.

So far this is begining to sound a whole lot more negative than it needs to be, but honestly, the game is quite good...better than it has a right to be given how barely put together it feels. Half of the art assets look like something you'd make to put on a cheesy C-List movie cover, the kind where a guy who isn't even a character, is holding a shotgun and firing it with their other hand well behind the pump. The buildings look like they are just MMO map filler, and the Clerics buildings look like something I'd expect from planetside 2...no life in them, no character of their own, just generic and bland.

There's something about this game though, where it just sucks you in. The main character is Actionherodeepvoicebadass #193000.1, and yet he feels like someone you want to know more of, the companions are so generic and act like they are from other franchises...yet I want to keep them around. The game has a feel of dynamics, but it's quite difficult to really see it in action.

The main story feels like it was done with heart and care, written by someone who wanted to give their best creative soul...but the way it was all put together in the game, feels like it was something that barely got a pass. This game feels like it was an honest attempt to try something relatively new, and put in the foundations for something great to follow...I suspect we'll get that from Elex 2.

As for the gameplay...I genuinely spent 20 hours worth of the game, just trying not to ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ die. Which is difficult at best, most of the combat is so wonky and so static that you'll feel like you've been put into a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ MMO, which makes leveling up to the actual crap that can do anything, difficult. The devs sadly did NOT Balance the game well in this regard, as once I hit the proper attributes to be able to wear regent armor from the clerics, and use the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ supergun from that ♥♥♥♥♥♥ processing plant in ignadon....I was able to do things without hours worth of misbalanced combat, dying due to attacks not being carried out, and of course losing half my health to a half foot drop on occasion....basically ELEX 2 will NEEEEEEEED Balancing, and not just some ♥♥♥♥♥♥ half assed version that got scattered to the damn winds.

Half of the quests require me to kill a monster with skulls for levels, and that becomes a bit too common.

Despite all of that, it really is strangely a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ fun game, regardless of the clunky nature of it, I wanted more.
Posted 27 July, 2021.
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187.2 hrs on record (112.6 hrs at review time)
I needed to give this game at least a few minutes of play to make my decision, and the truth of the matter is...it's pretty much everything we wanted out of the first game, but with more.

To expand on that, when the first game was in development, there were no other games like it. My friends and I would hang on every word, every sentence, and every devblog....until the day we heard that MS had kinda taken over undead labs. At first we lamented and were pretty pissed, but then the game kept going and we were feeling hopeful...until we started to notice how quick they ceased talking about features they were already developing. Features such as Multiplayer, multi-map expansions, zombie types, and certain survival features and details.

As many of you might be noticing already, this was due to the fact that they started gutting development, capping, and dumbing it down to fit into the already aged as ♥♥♥♥ Xbox 360, and it showed when the game released initially to only be punted down to PC.

BUT, State of Decay 2, took all the stuff that was good in State of Decay, polished it all and then expanded on it. This game may have bugs...and a slightly more questionable multiplayer system (which I forgive them for, only because it saves us from a GFWL repeat), but it's still state of decay with improvements and polish.

This isn't the game for you, if you hate repetition and simple patterns, if you hate zombies, if you hate half stop survival games with a slight dead end system. This is the game for you, if you like surviving against zombie clocks, purging the land of mutant zeds, improving survivors over time, searching for the coolest clothing, improving your base and your civilization, and then taking your favorite survivors on a bender to help your friends in their world. Planning is also key, you shouldn't just go out in your favorite car and think you're going to be invincible, you will run out of gas, hit one too many zeds, or find out that gas station you were relying on being stocked, is actually empty.

This game has its issues, most of them are negatable or easily worked around. It has a stuck feature which lets you get unstuck, has a decent save system which keeps you able to survive the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ bug incidents by slamming alt-f4 and rolling back a few minutes.

The difficulty of the game is a sweet feature to have, allows me to go through on dread zone, making my leaders and getting everything ready for heartland on the highest difficulty, letting me use the jump back feature with a friend acting as a temporary clearing house so I can stock my heartland group with everything they need.

Daybreak is fun, but has a huge time issue which needs to be adressed. All of the waves past wave 3, need to be reduced in time by 30s, doubling as they go up, wave four subtracts 30s, wave five a minute, six two minutes, and seven four minutes, but increasing in intensity as they go.

Daybreak also suffers from cheatengine users floating the end, I've found six of them over the last few weeks, if you see someone constantly spamming explosives, or using a cleo shotgun as an automatic rifle, then just leave, the game won't be fun if it's just completed by a floater.

Aside from those issue, the game actually does feel worth the $30 it's being offered for. I've not even gotten into heartland yet, as I want to get as much red talon ♥♥♥♥ as I can first.
Posted 1 April, 2020.
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