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Created by - Major
930 ratings
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It's been awhile since a game or movie has made me tear up, this game accomplished that. I highly recommend that you play all 5 episodes of the original life is strange. You'll not only have a deeper affection for the characters, but you'll also understand references from previous episodes.

This game runs great on older builds. You should be able to run this smoothly as this port is optimized well.

If you played the previous game in the series you'll notice that decision making has changed in this prequel. It's more of thinking on the fly which can lead to some funny outcomes, Chloe is witty af here.

The best way to play these games is thoroughly. Don't just go straight to the objective, the objective should be the last thing you do. If you explore the area of which the story is set at that time, you can find extra dialouge options to help you get better outcomes in you conversations. Exploring also leads to find references from tv shows/movies and other pop culture references. Thorough exploration rewards you in this game. You'll thank me later

Final verdict: 88/100
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Takis 8 Aug, 2024 @ 11:57pm 
+rep pretty cool dude
ladytorrens 14 Nov, 2023 @ 2:38am 
got convicted for having "teen dream" in profile
ladytorrens 23 Jul, 2023 @ 7:55am 
bruh what happened