queen of the land
mae "ple" mothy
άγιος ο σατανάς
Jeu favori
Heures de jeu
Videogames1337 12 nov. à 20h16 
warden 29 oct. à 19h09 
-rep bombed my village and killed my cattle :steamthumbsdown:
union 25 oct. à 16h14 
Chicken wing 🍗 chicken wing 🐓 hotdog🌭 and bologna 😋 chicken and 😎 marconi 🧀 chillin🥶 with😂 my🥳 homies😀
Videogames1337 25 sept. à 20h47 
russian signal detected
warden 24 sept. à 23h45 
nato airstrike inbound
Videogames1337 8 sept. à 21h33 