Sea Basin Pokemon   Tokyo, Japan
I like kyogre

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PC Spec
:mis_water: Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much. :mis_water:


:cozyprodman: Quick specs :cozyprodman:
:cozyteddymoo: Monitors: 1) Nvision GT24R18 144hz, 2) AOC 1620 60hz
:cozyteddymoo: Processor: Ryzen 5 3600
:cozyteddymoo: GPU: MSI RTX 2060 Super Ventus XS OC 8GB
:cozyteddymoo: RAM: HyperX Fury Beast 2x8GB 3200MHz
:cozyteddymoo: Keyboard: Keychron K2 Pro
:cozyteddymoo: Mouse: Logitech G Pro x SUPERLIGHT
:cozyteddymoo: Headphones: Cooler Master MH630
:cozyteddymoo: Mousepad: Pulsar Para Control XL
:cozyteddymoo: Wheel: Thrustmaster T150 Pro


:cozyprodman: Launch options :cozyprodman:
-novid -nojoy -freq 144 -threads 4 -high


:cozyprodman: CFG :cozyprodman:
bind "1" "slot1";
bind "2" "slot2";
bind "3" "slot3";
bind "4" "slot4";
bind "5" "slot5";
bind "6" "slot6";
bind "9" "slot9";
bind "a" "+moveleft";
bind "b" "buymenu";
bind "c" "radio3";
bind "d" "+moveright";
bind "e" "+use";
bind "f" "+lookatweapon";
bind "g" "drop";
bind "i" "show_loadout_toggle";
bind "m" "teammenu";
bind "n" "-attack";
bind "q" "lastinv";
bind "r" "+reload";
bind "s" "+back";
bind "t" "+spray_menu";
bind "u" "messagemode2";
bind "v" "+voicerecord";
bind "w" "+forward";
bind "x" "radio2";
bind "y" "messagemode";
bind "z" "radio1";
bind "KP_INS" "buy vesthelm";
bind "KP_END" "buy ak47; buy m4a1";
bind "KP_DOWNARROW" "buy awp";
bind "KP_PGDN" "buy ump45";
bind "KP_LEFTARROW" "buy galilar; buy famas";
bind "KP_5" "buy ssg08;";
bind "KP_RIGHTARROW" "buy mac10; buy mp9";
bind "KP_HOME" "buy p250";
bind "KP_UPARROW" "buy tec9; buy fiveseven";
bind "KP_PGUP" "buy mp7";
bind "KP_PLUS" "buy vest";
bind "KP_ENTER" "buy deagle";
bind "KP_DEL" "buy defuser";
bind "]" "disconnect";
bind "`" "toggleconsole";
bind "," "buyammo1";
bind "." "buyammo2";
bind "-" "cast_ray";
bind "SPACE" "+jump";
bind "TAB" "+showscores";
bind "ESCAPE" "cancelselect";
bind "DEL" "mute";
bind "PAUSE" "pause";
bind "SHIFT" "+speed";
bind "ALT" "noclip";
bind "CTRL" "+duck";
bind "RCTRL" "+altbinds";
bind "LEFTARROW" "+left";
bind "RIGHTARROW" "+right";
bind "F1" "buy molotov; buy incgrenade";
bind "F2" "buy flashbang";
bind "F3" "buy hegrenade";
bind "F4" "buy smokegrenade";
bind "F5" "jpeg";
bind "F6" "save quick";
bind "F7" "load quick";
bind "F10" "quit prompt";
bind "MOUSE1" "+attack";
bind "MOUSE2" "+attack2";
bind "MOUSE4" "slot8";
bind "MOUSE5" "slot7";
bind "MWHEELUP" +jump";
bind "MWHEELDOWN" "+jump";
adsp_debug "0";
ai_report_task_timings_on_limit "0";
ai_think_limit_label "0";
budget_averages_window "30";
budget_background_alpha "128";
budget_bargraph_background_alpha "128";
budget_bargraph_range_ms "16.6666666667";
budget_history_numsamplesvisible "100";
budget_history_range_ms "66.666666667";
budget_panel_bottom_of_history_fraction ".25";
budget_panel_height "384";
budget_panel_width "512";
budget_panel_x "0";
budget_panel_y "50";
budget_peaks_window "30";
budget_show_averages "0";
budget_show_history "0";
budget_show_peaks "1";
bugreporter_uploadasync "0";
bugreporter_username "";
c_maxdistance "200";
c_maxpitch "90";
c_maxyaw "135";
c_mindistance "30";
c_minpitch "0";
c_minyaw "-135";
c_orthoheight "100";
c_orthowidth "100";
c_thirdpersonshoulder "false";
c_thirdpersonshoulderaimdist "120.0";
c_thirdpersonshoulderdist "40.0";
c_thirdpersonshoulderheight "5.0";
c_thirdpersonshoulderoffset "20.0";
cachedvalue_count_partybrowser "1511278340";
cachedvalue_count_teammates "1511364357";
cam_collision "1";
cam_idealdelta "4.0";
cam_idealdist "150";
cam_idealdistright "0";
cam_idealdistup "0";
cam_ideallag "4.0";
cam_idealpitch "0";
cam_idealyaw "0";
cam_snapto "0";
cc_lang "";
cc_linger_time "1.0";
cc_predisplay_time "0.25";
cc_subtitles "0";
chet_debug_idle "0";
cl_allowdownload "1";
cl_allowupload "1";
cl_autohelp "1";
cl_autowepswitch "0";
cl_bob_lower_amt "21";
cl_bobamt_lat "0.4";
cl_bobamt_vert "0.25";
cl_bobcycle "0.98";
cl_chatfilter_version "1";
cl_chatfilters "63";
cl_clanid "30230013";
cl_clock_24hour "1";
cl_cmdrate "128.000000";
cl_color "2";
cl_debugrumble "0";
cl_detail_avoid_force "0.4";
cl_detail_avoid_radius "64";
cl_detail_avoid_recover_speed "0.25";
cl_detail_max_sway "5";
cl_disablefreezecam "1";
cl_disablehtmlmotd "1";
cl_dm_buyrandomweapons "0";
cl_downloadfilter "all";
cl_embedded_stream_audio_volume "60";
cl_embedded_stream_audio_volume_xmaster "1";
cl_fixedcrosshairgap "3";
cl_forcepreload "1";
cl_freezecampanel_position_dynamic "1";
cl_hud_background_alpha "0.5";
cl_hud_bomb_under_radar "1";
cl_hud_color "0";
cl_hud_healthammo_style "0";
cl_hud_playercount_pos "0";
cl_hud_playercount_showcount "1";
cl_hud_radar_scale "1.15";
cl_idealpitchscale "0.8";
cl_interp "0";
cl_interp_ratio "1";
cl_cmdrate "128";
cl_updaterate "128";
cl_inv_showdividerline "0";
cl_inventory_saved_filter2 "all";
cl_inventory_saved_sort2 "newest";
cl_join_advertise "1";
cl_loadout_colorweaponnames "0";
cl_minimal_rtt_shadows "1";
cl_mouselook "1";
cl_mute_all_but_friends_and_party "0";
cl_mute_enemy_team "0";
cl_obs_interp_enable "1";
cl_observercrosshair "1";
cl_operation_premium_reminder_op08 "0";
cl_playerspray_auto_apply "1";
cl_radar_always_centered "“0”cl_radar_scale “0.3”cl_hud_radar_scale; “1.15”cl_radar_icon_scale_min “1”cl_radar_rotate “1”cl_radar_square_with_scoreboard “1";
cl_radar_icon_scale_min "1";
cl_radar_rotate "1";
cl_radar_scale "0.3";
cl_radar_square_with_scoreboard "1";
cl_righthand "1";
cl_rumblescale "1.0";
cl_scalecrosshair "1";
cl_scoreboard_mouse_enable_binding "+attack2";
cl_show_clan_in_death_notice "1";
cl_showhelp "1";
cl_showloadout "1";
cl_showpluginmessages "1";
cl_spec_follow_grenade_key "0";
cl_spec_mode "5";
cl_teamid_overhead_always "0";
cl_teamid_overhead_name_alpha "100";
cl_teamid_overhead_name_fadetime "1.0";
cl_teammate_colors_show "1";
cl_thirdperson "0";
cl_timeout "30";
cl_updaterate "64";
cl_use_opens_buy_menu "0";
cl_viewmodel_shift_left_amt "1.5";
cl_viewmodel_shift_right_amt "0.75";
closecaption "0";
closeonbuy "0";
commentary_firstrun "0";
con_enable "1";
crosshair "1";
cursortimeout "60.0";
dsp_enhance_stereo "0";
econ_highest_baseitem_seen "64";
engine_no_focus_sleep "50";
force_audio_english "0";
func_break_max_pieces "15";
fps_max "0";
g15_update_msec "250";
gameinstructor_enable "0";
hud_scaling "0.850000";
hud_showtargetid "1";
hud_takesshots "0";
joy_accelmax "1.0";
joy_accelscale "3.5";
joy_accelscalepoly "0.4";
joy_advanced "0";
joy_advaxisr "0";
joy_advaxisu "0";
joy_advaxisv "0";
joy_advaxisx "0";
joy_advaxisy "0";
joy_advaxisz "0";
joy_autoaimdampen "0";
joy_autoAimDampenMethod "0";
joy_autoaimdampenrange "0";
joy_axisbutton_threshold "0.3";
Recent Activity
19.4 hrs on record
last played on 19 Jan
19.9 hrs on record
last played on 16 Jan
69 hrs on record
last played on 15 Jan
Richard Watterson 15 May, 2024 @ 12:34am 
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babe, i'm breaking up with you. it's not you, you were poggers. it's me, i'm omegalul. im sorry if this is pepehands but it has to be done, i've just been feeling pepega and our relationship has been weirdchamp for months, it's time to end it, no kappa.
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