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Senaste recensioner av Discord: profstorms

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180.1 timmar totalt (165.4 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Early Access-recension
This is a very fun game but definitely doesnt come with out its draw backs.

As some know that in recent months a huge tone shift has swayed people to calling out the game for some of the new stuff it implimented a new system to the cards called "Cards Unbound". This system replaced the old card system of having to find the card to unlock it and than add it to your deck, where you can adjust the power of it to suite your needs and playstyle so ong as you stayed in your budget. The new system made it so everyone had every card and legendary unlocked from the start, they only had level 1 of the version how ever. The way to level up the cards was to find more of the same cards, wich at first everyone can agree it was very rough but I beleive its alot more polished and could be alot more fun and enjoyable than the first few interations of Cards Unbound. Now all cards still start at 1 but they go up slower so fighting from a level 1 to a level 10 isnt as extreme as it once was, of course someone with only level 1 cards will be at a disadvantage than someone with all level 10 cards, but these are more extreme cases that dont happen nearly as offten as people think. More offten than not they'll be 4-7~ gap on average and these notices are small. An example being Terminus' Seething rage Legendary starting out at a 17% faster swing speed only goes up by around 1% per level. A hardely noticable change unelss your comparing level 1 to level 10. Getting the cards themselves was what alot of people complained about as you needed a significant ammount of cards to get all of them to higher levels, and the only way of obtaining cards was through what is known as the Radiant Chest, wich will give you random cards of various qualities, with more rare or legendary cards being a harder drop. Alot of people didnt like the RNG needed to grind and how you could just spend money to buy a bunch of chests and with enough of them you'd get all your cards higher. This is a fair and just complaint that was surprisngly well resolved with the introduction of Champion Chests, chests that contain 5 cards for one specefic champion, to acqure these you either pay 7500 gold coins of ingame currency, or play the champion. You unlock one free Champion Chest, every other level the champion gets with a few exceptions. The other way is through the first win of the day bonus, in wich for the first 5 wins you get per day, wich evr champion you played for them would get a free Champion Chest of that specefic champion, wether it was 5 of the same or spread out more evenly is how you chose to play.

Overall this new system is nothing like how it was first presented in PTS setting and works much better than it did before, some people still have a sour taste in their mouth over it and thats okay, you cant please everyone but I think they did a good job while also trying to stick to their guns. Either way, its still an excelt shooter with plenty of MOBA elements that add the strategy of FPS and MOBA into an enjoyable hybrid with a huge cast of characters that everyone can relate too, sure the match making needs work as sometimes you can be going up against masters or grandmasters in just geneal casual, but thats something with alot of games that have a lower player pool similar to paladins does.

Grab your friends, pick your favorite champion (AKA Grover), and get out there and become a Champion of the Realm.
Upplagd 23 januari 2018.
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