Alpha Kevin ¯\(⊙.⊙)_/¯
デニス   Sayama, Saitama, Japan
-♣---♣---♣- WELCOME ON MY PROFILE -♣---♣---♣-
If you think I cheate dan ♥♥♥♥♥ you all:steamhappy:
Wenn ihr meint das ich Cheate dan Fickt Euch ALLE

[X] Silver 1
[X] Silver 2
[X] Silver 3
[X] Silver 4
[X] Silver Elite
[X] Silver Elite Master
[X] Gold Nova 1
[X] Gold Nova 2
[X] Gold Nova 3
[✔] Gold Nova Master
[✔] Master Guardian 1
[✔] Master Guardian 2
[✔] Master Guardian Elite
[✔] DMG
[✔] Legendary Eagle
[✔] Legendary Eagle Master
[✔] Supreme Master First Class
[✔] The Global Elite
Currently Offline
✪.G0RiLLA91 23 Mar, 2018 @ 8:27pm 
enjoy vac :)
KRYSPIN0 2 Dec, 2017 @ 5:02pm 
-rep stfu ♥♥♥♥
L!NK 26 Nov, 2017 @ 5:23pm 
aimhack noob
Bu88er 26 Nov, 2017 @ 4:08pm 
-rep yet another ♥♥♥♥♥♥ that support his friend that hacks with walls and aimlock running scout 100% prefire headshits WHILE running and have 100% headshots with all his shots and yes you are cheating to aimlock not hard to see when you hit 7 deadgles headshots in a row while also running you guys must be so bad that you need help from a program rather pathetic we all cant be plebs but you doing the job fine and enjoy vac on your account
Z 1 Z 8 Jul, 2017 @ 3:27am 
REP AIMware...
Steel123 8 Jul, 2017 @ 3:02am 
-rep cheater