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147.1 hrs on record (87.2 hrs at review time)
PSN has supposedly walked back their decision on the account requirement. Democracy always triumphs.
Posted 5 May, 2024. Last edited 5 May, 2024.
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5.3 hrs on record (3.5 hrs at review time)
i did my entire first play through of this game drunk on acid and i didn't remember that there was coop in this game so i was quite confused to see why a clone of myself was walking around with me until i realized it was another player. it was a fun journey
Posted 12 July, 2023.
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30.8 hrs on record
This game is an amazing journey that requires you to take the initiative in exploring. Aimless as you may be starting the game, curiosity is the key to progressing the story; literally just pick a planet, find its clues, and start threading the pieces one by one. Though you may get lost here and there (the ship log is very helpful in letting you know what you might want to explore next), each discovery you make is a satisfying puzzle piece put in its place, with a subtle thread leading you to the next one. The end result is a beautifully tragic story weaved into a harrowing space-traveling game in the throes of a mysterious time loop. It's definitely worth the full price, and an must-get if it's on sale.
Posted 23 May, 2023.
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237.4 hrs on record (234.9 hrs at review time)
IF you dont already have two hundred hours in this game its too late
Posted 28 February, 2022.
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6 people found this review helpful
29.0 hrs on record (20.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Basically VRchat on a next level, yet also a sort of early-access feel. At the time of this review, only one of two VR games that support facial tracking (VRchat doesn't have it yet).

The developers are very active in the community and are constantly updating the game to accommodate new technologies and QOL improvements. You can also import pictures, videos, 3d assets, and more into the virtual space to show off or edit. There are many different powerful tools that allow you to draw, create, and script practically whatever you imagine. I went from staring into a 4d object, to trying out a cool 3-D tetris game that you manipulate in your hands, to witnessing one of the lead developers dueling another player in a yu-gi-oh inspired card game. That hardly encompasses the experiences that are available in the game.

However, many things can feel unintuitive to an unexperienced VR user. There are some basic things that would have taken me a lot longer to figure out if I didn’t have someone else to help me. Fortunately, many people on this game are friendly and are inclined to lend a hand. Also, since I started playing this game a short while ago, there have been more features implemented that have made my experience smoother.

Overall, I’ve honestly enjoyed this community way more than I ever have on VRchat. If you’re willing to get past a learning curve, you will find yourself immersed in Neos too.
Posted 27 March, 2021.
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2 people found this review helpful
154.8 hrs on record (99.6 hrs at review time)
Have you ever played a game that just *had* that art, that atmosphere, that sound track, that it made you use the one function that 90% of players never use in 90% of games (unless for stealth) just so you could spend more time immersing yourself into your character as they traverse the environment before them? By that function, I mean the walk button. Where you voluntarily slow yourself down, potentially dragging your playtime much longer than it had to be, not as a result of it being advantageous to do so ingame (walking does not reduce your stamina loss, significantly anyways) but because you just feel like it is more right to walk than it is to jog.

While you do a lot of walking (or jogging if you're impatient), there's a lot more mechanics at play than you'd expect. The game does a good job of progressing and unlocking new tools and environments as you go, so that you're trying something new with almost every new story order. Evading ghosts and bandits are also a great concern, and if you play on a high difficulty, you'll be especially cautious lest you lose your cargo or any valuable equipment. Walking through your first field of BTs will make you hold your breath at times, both in game and in real life. The game knows that you are committing a lot of your time, more than other games, so its autosaves and manual saves make sure you never lose too much progress. You'll even unlock items or vehicles that will make going back through traversed areas much faster. Plowing through a mountain in a blizzard at zero visibility, pushing against the sheer wind and keeping your balance on snowy slopes has its reward when you reach your destination and place a zip-line to avoid the same struggle. The best part is that these structures you place can appear in other people's games, and vice versa, so placing structures or upgrading them will definitely make someone else happy.

If you've ever played Metal Gear Solid V, you'll be familiar with Kojima's long, long cut scenes, exposition dumps, and cheesy characters. More often than not, once you spend 30 minutes to reach a story destination, you'll grow a habit of putting down your controller and sipping your Monster™ Energy Drink while a 10-15 minute cut scene plays. A few of these cutscenes are rather cheesy, and may make you audibly "Eh". However, the story still kept my interest for the most part, with some scenes that will stick with me for a while, but I'll admit its far from its strongest asset. The combat is also not very noteworthy, aside from non-lethal incapacitations being highly preferred to lethal kills. At times it feels like you're trying to control a wrecking ball that's holding a bola gun. found it most effective to use a combination of throwing cargo and ramming Sam into MULES like, well, a mule.

Overall, this game does have a wonderful atmosphere and the most suitable soundtrack possible to accompany you while you traverse rivers, mountains, rain, and snow through hostile areas with nothing but the gear on your back and a BB on your front. If walking and long-story really turn you off, this is not for you. If you like atmosphere, hiking, or just really like mail, definitely pick this game up on sale, or full price if you've plenty to throw around. (I payed full price)
Posted 30 November, 2020. Last edited 20 December, 2020.
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35.9 hrs on record (26.7 hrs at review time)
it ok
Posted 14 January, 2016.
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