เวลาเล่นใน 2 สัปดาห์ที่ผ่านมา:

0 จาก 18 (0%) รางวัลความสำเร็จที่ได้รับ:

Raptor Exterminator

Defeat 250 Raptors

T-Rex Exterminator

Defeat 100 T-Rexes

Triceratops Exterminator

Defeat 100 Triceratopses

Pterodactyl Exterminator

Defeat 100 Pterodactyls

Lizardsaur Ecterminator

Defeat 80 Lizards

Break The Mil

Reached 1,000,000 points in a single run

Easy Girl

Survived an encounter with a Raptor Squad


Survived an encounter with a B-Rex

Trojan Dino

Survived an encounter with an Armoured Triceratops


Survived an encounter with an Exploding Pterodactyl

A Scary Lizard

Survived an encounter with a Scary Lizard

Revive Me Broh

Used the Revive 4 times in a single Co-Op run

Let's Do That Again

Hit 5 or more Dinosaurs in a single shot of the Time Machine Gun

How Time Flies

Survive for 30 minutes in a single run

Life Finds A Way

Survived for 3 minutes without changing from the Pistol

คงเหลือ 3 รางวัลความสำเร็จลับ
