Inigo   Georgia, United States
Shouldn't have wished to live in more interesting times...
Shall we dance?
(obi-wan voice) hello there

have you ever:

•learned to read
•lived as a robot total human being that breathes oxygen and enjoys sunshine
•dissolved and coalesced
•did nothing for a long time
•clapped your hands because you were happy and you knew it
•squawked like a crocodile
•became an outlaw in panama
•laughed uncontrollably at something that was not funny
•talked to a robot
•lost a game of chess when playing against yourself
•said "close the hatch"
•escaped the underworld
•did an impression of a motorcycle engine
•whispered in the ear of corn
•tactically reloaded batteries
•been wronged
•been righted
•given up on life
•found new purpose in life
•got stuck in a time loop
•made a sandwich
•drank bone hurting juice
•oww oof my bones
•believed in disbelief
•took a neutral stance
•showed me your true form
•stacked two marbles with a hot glue gun
•partook in extreme early 2000's advertisements
•become one with a cardboard box
•survived getting hit in the face with a nicolas
•survived getting hit in the face with a cage
•watched spiderman 2
•played Mother 3 in a special way its special because its illegal
•asked grampy bone to consult the spirits for you
•been bullied out of your lunch money
•transcended the mortal coil
•proclaimed "The Arcana is the means by which all is revealed."
•hoola hooped exactly 1 hoola hoop
•exercised proper use of the human respiratory system
•performed countless (count: 0) criminal acts
•froze your own brain
•pondered if you have truly become a monster
•won so many times you got bored
•lost so many times you got bored
*hacker voice* "i'm in"
•been a robin main
•adrien brody'd
•stylishly disorganized
•drank poison on purpose
•got stuck in a time loop
•committed a sin with the english language
•slept for 42 consecutive hours
•said "tubular" unironically
•got up on the hydra's back
Are feet shoes
•taken exactly 69420 psychic damage
•You missed
•You missed
•You missed
•You missed
*sigh* >End Turn
•none of the above
•all of the above
•some of the above
•most of the above

because i have and if you have also,
then we can be friends
and if you have not then we can still be friends thats fine

Oyun Koleksiyoncusu
İnceleme Vitrini
76 saat oynandı
In this game, you can:

>Enter the Temple of Trials and disarm the raised plate traps for extra experience to level up before leaving
>Kill a bunch of rats for some reason
>Get a car
>Convince a fellow tribal to follow you
>Murder children and get a permanent perk that stays with you for the rest of the game and makes everyone hate you
>Join a drug war
>Watch innocent farmers get killed by an intellegent Super Mutant Behemoth in Power Armor.
>Blow things up
>Talk to zombies
>Get irradiated
>Do someone else's job for them
>Have a kid that brings the entire drug cartel to it's knees but never meet him
>Find the GECK early and break the game
>Get married forever
>Do it for Johnny
>Become a citizen
>"Solve" the leaking power plant problem
>Kill everything
>Sleep sometimes to restore health
>Get a Louisville Slugger that has an absolutely insane amount of knockback.
>Consult the spirits
>Listen to Myron ramble nonsense about how he "made" Jet with Brahmin manure.
>Fix a Brahmin's broken leg
>Protect moo-moos from the bug-men
>Turn people into goo
>Burn things with a Flamethrower
>End Turn
>Find Vault 13
>Forget to Save before quitting
>Arm wrestle a Super Mutant
>Ask your grumpy aunt for some flint
>You missed
>You missed
>You missed
>You missed
>You missed
>You missed
>You missed
>You missed
Here's a tip for you: Always spend enough skill points in Unarmed or Melee Weapons to get at least 30 in either one. This will improve your accuracy. You will miss quite often in the Temple of Trials, but don't get discouraged; you've still got plenty of room to grow, and if you distribute your skill points correctly, the rest of the game should make it much easier to hit things.

And that's not ever scratching the surface of what you can do. Games like this aren't for everyone, but if you don't have a problem with reading a lot (it is an RPG), then you should at least try this game. It's one of my favorite games ever, as I have owned the original disc far longer than I've had an account on Steam. I strongly recommend you try to play it, even if you don't like it in the end.
Ekran Görüntüsü Vitrini
Ghostwire: Tokyo
Franky is frankwestman!!!! 20 Ara 2024 @ 20:13 
preg machine broke
Franky is frankwestman!!!! 16 Mar 2022 @ 20:00 
♥♥♥♥ yeah
Laslow 16 Mar 2022 @ 19:24 
i will also let you curse if you like
Laslow 16 Mar 2022 @ 19:24 
its ok i will let you swear :)
Franky is frankwestman!!!! 27 Şub 2022 @ 1:59 
steam doesn't let me curse
Franky is frankwestman!!!! 27 Şub 2022 @ 1:59 