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1 person found this review helpful
5.0 hrs on record (4.2 hrs at review time)
Fun, short and sweet, maintains a good balance between creepy and cute, cheap price. Overall a worthwhile experience, even for someone like me who generally doesn't like spooky stuff.
Posted 3 January.
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8 people found this review helpful
25.2 hrs on record
After first hearing this was made by the creators of the original Fallout 1 and 2 games, I was sold on this game. I refused to read any reviews or watch any gameplay so I could go in blind and experience that something amazing that I expected from Interplay.

That was a mistake.

The gameplay is like a more boring Fallout 4. The gunplay is serviceable and does its job of killing things, but it feels so 1-dimensional. You have a slow-mo feature that can help you target an enemy's weakpoints to inflict short-term debuffs, but it isn't as fun as it sounds like it would be. If an enemy has high armor, you can't use ballistic weapons to deal damage. You have to switch to an energy weapon. This isn't awful, but it winds up just being an annoying inconvenience rather than interesting combat decision. Armor on the other hand, is ridiculously boring. If you don't have a high enough armor number, enemies will shred you like paper, even on easier difficulties.

The writing seems to have tried too hard to replicate that classic nihilistic humor of Fallout 1 and 2... by putting it everywhere, in every single line of dialogue. Not a single character can be serious for longer than two seconds before plugging another witty remark. It was funny the first few times, but it gets stale fast and makes me groan more than chuckle.

Another thing that returns from Fallout 1 and 2 are the stat-based dialogue choices. If only point allocation in this was better so that you had a better chance of using them. There are just so many stats that it ruins it for me. Lie, persuade, and intimidate are all under the same category, but you have to level them up individually, when they could easily just all go into the same single stat.

The worlds and ships you visit are nice to look at. However, the people in this game... aren't as pretty. I don't know why, but it seems every single person in this game is ugly in one way or the other. The faces of both men and women seem like goofy replicas of what faces are supposed to look like. Not only that, but everyone's face is pretty forgettable.

This game was stuck on the EGS for a full year before coming to Steam, and it only has one DLC. I wanted to love this game so badly because of its legacy. But it fails on so many levels, and it just disappoints someone like me, who loves the classic Fallout games so much that I still talk about them in conversations with friends to this day. So many mistakes were made with this game, and I genuinely hope that Obsidian learns from them and learns where this game fails to make something better.
Posted 3 November, 2020.
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48.2 hrs on record (40.6 hrs at review time)
This game is so much fun. Its combat is stylish and fast-paced, its story is well-written and easy to follow, and the art and music fit together like a match made in heaven. Well worth your time and money.
Posted 23 December, 2019. Last edited 11 February, 2021.
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29 people found this review helpful
15 people found this review funny
76.0 hrs on record (18.4 hrs at review time)
In this game, you can:

>Enter the Temple of Trials and disarm the raised plate traps for extra experience to level up before leaving
>Kill a bunch of rats for some reason
>Get a car
>Convince a fellow tribal to follow you
>Murder children and get a permanent perk that stays with you for the rest of the game and makes everyone hate you
>Join a drug war
>Watch innocent farmers get killed by an intellegent Super Mutant Behemoth in Power Armor.
>Blow things up
>Talk to zombies
>Get irradiated
>Do someone else's job for them
>Have a kid that brings the entire drug cartel to it's knees but never meet him
>Find the GECK early and break the game
>Get married forever
>Do it for Johnny
>Become a citizen
>"Solve" the leaking power plant problem
>Kill everything
>Sleep sometimes to restore health
>Get a Louisville Slugger that has an absolutely insane amount of knockback.
>Consult the spirits
>Listen to Myron ramble nonsense about how he "made" Jet with Brahmin manure.
>Fix a Brahmin's broken leg
>Protect moo-moos from the bug-men
>Turn people into goo
>Burn things with a Flamethrower
>End Turn
>Find Vault 13
>Forget to Save before quitting
>Arm wrestle a Super Mutant
>Ask your grumpy aunt for some flint
>You missed
>You missed
>You missed
>You missed
>You missed
>You missed
>You missed
>You missed
Here's a tip for you: Always spend enough skill points in Unarmed or Melee Weapons to get at least 30 in either one. This will improve your accuracy. You will miss quite often in the Temple of Trials, but don't get discouraged; you've still got plenty of room to grow, and if you distribute your skill points correctly, the rest of the game should make it much easier to hit things.

And that's not ever scratching the surface of what you can do. Games like this aren't for everyone, but if you don't have a problem with reading a lot (it is an RPG), then you should at least try this game. It's one of my favorite games ever, as I have owned the original disc far longer than I've had an account on Steam. I strongly recommend you try to play it, even if you don't like it in the end.
Posted 15 January, 2017.
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