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17.7 timer registreret i alt (5.4 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
Here are my thoughts after whole day of of trying to play:

The mech movement feel nice, it feels like a stomping monster not a hovertank.

No character creation - This is a big negative for me. you don't play your story, you don't make your name, you are following arbitrary character that is also an ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. I hate this kind of narrative

Forced outcome - biggest example rigth now - during first trial - trial of position you are supposed to face three enemies, defeat one to become warrior, defeat more to get better position. you defeat 2... and cutscene shows you getting defeated by third.

Mechlab - whoever thought this thing is a good idea need to rethink their life. it is a pure atrocity. Made by someone who hadn't even tested the game themselves, just made a nice power point presentation a, took their bonus and probably quit the company . whoever created it hates players, and probably still uses windows 8

Boss fights - There is only one thing than annoying overpowered non canon bosses that require you to destroy certain parts before it exploded are quick time event. But this kind of boss fights is very close to that plague upon humanity. Boss fights are annoying, especially the way they did it. suddenly an osprey like thing can not only sustain firepower from whole clan batlestar but pose a threat to it? and it s neigh invulnerable so you need to destroy its rotors so it crashes? I could understand a mission where you try to disable a unity dropship, target weapons, thrusters or so... but a mega helicopter? cmon please at least think before adding such things to the game

Crashes. Currently game is unplayable for me and many more due to crashes, for some random, for some straight on loading, for some in certain game points

Shame piranha.

Eddited rating ( after fixing crashin issue)


The game is OKay, It feeels nice, i would even say better that MW5, but the design choices, way story is written drags whole thing down, the he is hope however mods will fix it. 6/10. is maximum i can give it. 6 because despite all, the mech part is good.But despite that, there is pain and suffering. Also i had to fix the game myself for it to work so <_<

Edit downlopaded almost 5 gb of patch... still broken

Edit 2: After bit of digging and trial and error ( realising most of people have problems with shaders while crashing, i reduced the shading quality setting to low... and game works. everything else works high or max, no stuttering in my case.
Skrevet: 17. oktober 2024. Sidst redigeret: 18. oktober 2024.
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91.4 timer registreret i alt (87.3 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
screw sony and PSN


Still screw psn and sony, but the game is good, and they did the right thing(TM)
Skrevet: 3. maj 2024. Sidst redigeret: 6. maj 2024.
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147.6 timer registreret i alt (88.7 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
While in general I really enjoyed the game, the setting, and most of the decisions, i do have however couple of 'nitpicks'

( warning: some spoilers ahead )

Grievance 1: Invisibility mechanics for enemies. It feels really out of place and breaks the feeling of game striving for accuracy and historical flair. And the final fight with Corvinious is simply frustrating and tedious. While this was supposed to be challenging fight, The fact he teleports out and disappears after each hit and then you need to search whole map for him again, just makes it annoying and boring.

Grievance 2. After doing African parts you start feeling the game gaining steam: you get 2nd legion, it is geting more involving, story is progressing really nicely. My high expectations for Gallia however turned into dissappointment: single legion, and the story started to loose its direction. ( i still have no idea what the point of Lurco saving your life in the ambush mission is, the whole mission seems pointless, like there was a different version of a story at one point, and it kind of was left over when concept changed).

Grievance 3: Civil War . Or lack thereof. The big point of the story of fall of roman republic was the proper civil war between Cesar and Cato/Pompeius. I was hoping for whole proper civil war against Lurco... and all I got was one street fight.

While point one is just annoying part of mechanics, point 2 and 3 feel to me like the devs run out of money and had to rush finish the game. It looses lot of steam in the end, and feels a bit rushed. Also the story looses its drive. I was expecting that while you fight in Gaul, Lurco would stir problems in Rome, crating a situation similar to Ceasars - Intrigue in Senate with threats and such .. But the direction it took was.,.. disappointing. The forced death of Syneros in the most incompetent assassination attempt ever in the peaceful ending branch was pure failure in my opinion. Act 3 let me feel like the game had to cut lot of content from it to be finished on time.

End of spoilers

But it is still a good game. I had lot of fun playing it, and it let me craving for more. Hopefully one day devs will add 'alternate ending' DLC, that would expand Act 3 and maybe bring in proper Act 4 with proper civil war

Only other point i disliked were classes, they felt out of place and the whole system felt a bit forced.

Its a very good title definitely worth its money
Skrevet: 11. februar 2022. Sidst redigeret: 11. februar 2022.
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600.6 timer registreret i alt (567.1 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
It is officially spring now. where be MW5? [ADDICTION INTENSIFIES]
Skrevet: 21. marts 2021.
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205.9 timer registreret i alt (95.4 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
its very Mount and blade ( original one) insifed game. and lot of experience gained in MnB can be use there including whole combat and unit command. while you cannot create custom unit, the gamne feels like crossowver between MnB and LoL.
Skrevet: 7. marts 2021.
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31.1 timer registreret i alt (27.8 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
Anmeldelse for emne med tidlig adgang
Itsa fun little game, feels like a truck carrying a MOunt and blade games was hit by a DOTA train, the game is a fusion of mount and blade idea with a classic MOBA mechanics
Skrevet: 27. november 2020.
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0.0 timer registreret i alt
The greatest issue of the espionage is tying the amount of agents to number of countries in the faction. Im my last playthrough UK decolonised. That created 5 bazillions of puppets in the Allies,I took spymster as France in 1937 ( germany started war for Rheinland).

By 1939 i had over 30 agents
Skrevet: 3. marts 2020.
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411.4 timer registreret i alt (169.9 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
Moonshine, Mangoose and mangoes!
Skrevet: 31. december 2019.
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39.0 timer registreret i alt (21.7 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
If you expect KOTOR III - You will be disappointed. The game is a mix of prince of persia and Assasin's creed - with fairly engaging story.
Skrevet: 27. november 2019.
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152.3 timer registreret i alt (6.9 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
Am i the onlly one enjoying th F2 gameplay more than F1?
Skrevet: 29. juni 2019.
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