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172.3 hrs on record (167.1 hrs at review time)
Really enjoying to move on a lot of popular music :D
Posted 27 November, 2024.
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414.7 hrs on record (132.6 hrs at review time)
I really love playing this game. It is so much fun to play against 60 people. It is so hard to win a game, that it really is something exiting when you win the final. This game reminds me a lot of the Mario Party games that i played in the past with friends. There are some things that i would like the creators to change or add in the game:

- Records. It would be awesome if we can see our scores in every map. How much times we won in a map, and how much times we lost in a map. In race games it would be great of you can get things like a personal record. This way you can try to beat your old scores in all racing games. Same with things like collecting, like the egg maps, holding the pinguin, and how long you have the tail in tail tag. Goes for the teamgames as well of course. Saving your video would be awesome too. Just to show off to your friends what you did, how you won a final and see back the really funny stuff. There is so much possible that is not added yet.
- I hate the teamgames. you are so dependible on your teammates. When you play solo, you need so much luck with the random teammembers.
- Much more maps. Mostly seeing the same maps over and over again
- Some maps you see too much, and some maps you just never see. My favorit map for example(Slime Climb) i don`t see anymore.

I still try to get the 5 wins in a row achievement, but just not getting there. I will try it over and over again, so i guess people will still see me for a long time in this game :-) I hope i see you soon in the game!
Posted 9 January, 2021.
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10.8 hrs on record
I`m not really someone who writes these reviews, but i felt like doing it with this game. I recommend it because of the following positive vibes:

1. When you love story telling games
2. When you want to play something, just to enjoy your free time
3. When you understand en love dramatic games(you will cry now and then!)
4. Lovely graphix

Negative points:
1. Not much to do. Everything is straight to the point. I did love all the puzzels in chapter 3 at the barn. You really needed to think and search in the book of gobblins to find the answers
2. Not much to choose. Choice didnt matter much, up untill the end. I think they had much more possibility`s where your choice could matter. example: The end where you have to choose between the memory of the twins, and the memory of your father. I choose the memory of the twins, simply because i didn`t trust that guy. But i also wanted to throw it in the public. To let everyone know that he was the reason that there mother lost it. That he was the twins father and screwd around behind the back of his wife. They didn`t give me that choice, something that really dissapointed me in the end.
3. Would have loved it if you had more possibility`s in love. Tyler kissing a boy was the only choice. I really made sure that didn`t happen, i did not want to see that :P. Would have loved to have more possibility`s there, especially for alysson(simply loved her character, she deserved so much more
4. A really short game. Only 3 chapters. God i miss Telltale! There games where longer, and had a lot more choices that matter. Still can`t forget all the endings you could get in The Walking Dead games(same goes for Life is Strange 2 though, the endings there where not to count on 1 hand).

I do recommend this game, but you have to make the call if you still want to buy the game, even knowing the negative points that you see above this.
Posted 28 December, 2020.
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2,185.0 hrs on record (655.5 hrs at review time)
Zeer verslavend game, en zeker in het begin erg grappig. Aanrader voor iedereen die wel houd van een beetje gekloot in een game.
Posted 27 June, 2017. Last edited 27 June, 2017.
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