United States
Currently Offline
Currently trade banned

- My profile will NEVER be private. (Duh or you couldnt read this)
- My steam join date is: July 30, 2010
- I have over 4,000 hours into tf2 alone.
- I have a lv 20 steam profile.

108 crates unboxed since my last unusual

Cool Quotes:

gzinthehood {BBG}: im not a gangster, im just black approved

9:47 PM - gzinthehood STL-NYC: im an angry war vet when it comes to gay ♥♥♥♥
9:48 PM - gzinthehood STL-NYC: you dont know the things ive seen boy

9:16 PM - Sunny: I don't like the neighbors
9:16 PM - Sunny: they are too mexican

barbarianbort: prison is the gay man's paradise

9:56 PM - {BBG} Moee: are u autistic?
9:56 PM - {BBG} Moee: because i am

♡HelenAngel♡: Scooty! Do you wanna beat me with a pan?

5:21 PM - obstipator: you have just witnessed what happens to tf2tp when steam community dies
5:21 PM - Scooty Puff Jr.: I noticed many things going offline
5:21 PM - Scooty Puff Jr.: and crashing
5:21 PM - Scooty Puff Jr.: into a hospital
5:21 PM - Scooty Puff Jr.: for babies
5:21 PM - Scooty Puff Jr.: that have cancer
5:22 PM - obstipator: those babies deserved that cancer
5:22 PM - obstipator: sometimes I think about being nice to babies, but then I realized that they've never done anything for me! Those jerks!

Chaos <3: I'm a ♥♥♥♥ and ok with it.

4:37 PM - CanadianInvasion: 10/10
4:37 PM - CanadianInvasion: better than ♥♥♥♥♥

2:50 PM - Bunny: how old will you be?
2:50 PM - Bunny: TELL ME!
2:51 PM - Bunny: You going to be legal yet!?
2:52 PM - Scooty Puff Jr. (6 days bday): 17
2:52 PM - Bunny: well that's no fun at all

Rami: mfw i accidentally tried to pay the cashier with a loaf of bread

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