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71 de 97 (73%) logros conseguidos:
Logros personales

I Didn't Do It

Make goblins die of three different environmental hazards in a single level
Se desbloqueó el 21 MAR 2013 a las 3:42 p. m.

A Floral Feast

Feed carnivorous plants with three or more different kinds of treats
Se desbloqueó el 11 DIC 2013 a las 2:50 p. m.


Shatter three frozen enemies within one second
Se desbloqueó el 16 DIC 2013 a las 11:25 a. m.

Hammer Havoc

Kill an enemy with a thrown hammer bouncing at least once before kill
Se desbloqueó el 23 MAR 2013 a las 9:24 a. m.

Dirty Tactics

Get at least 10 enemies killed by other enemies' actions in a single level
Se desbloqueó el 2 MAR 2014 a las 5:23 p. m.

Bouncy Bouncy

Stand on a conjured box bouncing on any bouncy surface for 10 seconds
Se desbloqueó el 8 DIC 2013 a las 1:00 p. m.

A Hail of Arrows

Shoot 3 arrows in the air and catch them all with the Knight's shield
Se desbloqueó el 19 DIC 2013 a las 6:37 p. m.

High Rise

Construct a tower made of eight objects and stand on top of it
Se desbloqueó el 19 DIC 2013 a las 6:47 p. m.

Cirque de Zoya

Using grapple, swing around an object and reattach grapple again without touching any surface
Se desbloqueó el 23 MAR 2013 a las 9:18 a. m.

I want more!

Complete the game
Se desbloqueó el 6 MAR 2014 a las 11:47 a. m.

Into the Story

Complete The Story Begins
Se desbloqueó el 12 MAR 2013 a las 3:38 p. m.

Wild in Wilderness

Complete Forlorn Wilderness
Se desbloqueó el 21 MAR 2013 a las 3:39 p. m.

Mudproof Hero

Complete Mudwater Dale
Se desbloqueó el 21 MAR 2013 a las 4:06 p. m.

March Through the Marsh

Complete Mosslight Marsh
Se desbloqueó el 21 MAR 2013 a las 4:27 p. m.

Treehouse Adventure

Complete Petrified Tree
Se desbloqueó el 8 DIC 2013 a las 1:07 p. m.

No More Lizard Soup

Complete Shadowed Halls
Se desbloqueó el 11 DIC 2013 a las 2:47 p. m.

Hostile Gardening

Complete Hushing Grove
Se desbloqueó el 16 DIC 2013 a las 11:40 a. m.

Funs with Fungi

Complete Mushroom Caves
Se desbloqueó el 16 DIC 2013 a las 12:18 p. m.

Shrooms and Glooms

Complete Mushroom Murk
Se desbloqueó el 19 DIC 2013 a las 5:41 p. m.

Pearl Diver

Complete Searock Castle
Se desbloqueó el 4 MAR 2014 a las 9:32 p. m.

Sinister Plumbing

Complete Eldritch Passages
Se desbloqueó el 5 MAR 2014 a las 10:54 a. m.

Hot and Cold

Complete Icewarden Keep
Se desbloqueó el 6 MAR 2014 a las 11:23 a. m.

Through Dangers Untold

Complete The Final Chapter
Se desbloqueó el 6 MAR 2014 a las 11:47 a. m.

The Story Begins Collector

Collect all experience pickups in The Story Begins
Se desbloqueó el 23 MAR 2013 a las 8:55 a. m.

Forlorn Wilderness Collector

Collect all experience pickups in Forlorn Wilderness
Se desbloqueó el 23 MAR 2013 a las 9:17 a. m.

Mudwater Dale Collector

Collect all experience pickups in Mudwater Dale
Se desbloqueó el 7 MAR 2014 a las 3:17 p. m.

Petrified Tree Collector

Collect all experience pickups in Petrified Tree
Se desbloqueó el 22 AGO 2014 a las 6:42 p. m.

Shadowed Halls Collector

Collect all experience pickups in Shadowed Halls
Se desbloqueó el 11 DIC 2013 a las 2:46 p. m.

Hushing Grove Collector

Collect all experience pickups in Hushing Grove
Se desbloqueó el 16 DIC 2013 a las 11:39 a. m.

Mushroom Caves Collector

Collect all experience pickups in Mushroom Caves
Se desbloqueó el 16 DIC 2013 a las 12:18 p. m.

Mushroom Murk Collector

Collect all experience pickups in Mushroom Murk
Se desbloqueó el 19 DIC 2013 a las 5:41 p. m.

Searock Castle Collector

Collect all experience pickups in Searock Castle
Se desbloqueó el 4 MAR 2014 a las 9:30 p. m.

Icewarden Keep Collector

Collect all experience pickups in Icewarden Keep
Se desbloqueó el 6 MAR 2014 a las 11:22 a. m.

Secrets of Forlorn Wilderness

Find all chests in Forlorn Wilderness
Se desbloqueó el 21 MAR 2013 a las 3:25 p. m.

Secrets of Mudwater Dale

Find all chests in Mudwater Dale
Se desbloqueó el 7 MAR 2014 a las 3:17 p. m.

Secrets of Mosslight Marsh

Find all chests in Mosslight Marsh
Se desbloqueó el 21 MAR 2013 a las 4:16 p. m.

Secrets of Petrified Tree

Find all chests in Petrified Tree
Se desbloqueó el 8 DIC 2013 a las 1:00 p. m.

Secrets of Shadowed Halls

Find all chests in Shadowed Halls
Se desbloqueó el 11 DIC 2013 a las 1:50 p. m.

Secrets of Hushing Grove

Find all chests in Hushing Grove
Se desbloqueó el 16 DIC 2013 a las 10:38 a. m.

Secrets of Mushroom Caves

Find all chests in Mushroom Caves
Se desbloqueó el 16 DIC 2013 a las 12:02 p. m.

Secrets of Mushroom Murk

Find all chests in Mushroom Murk
Se desbloqueó el 19 DIC 2013 a las 5:40 p. m.

Secrets of Searock Castle

Find all chests in Searock Castle
Se desbloqueó el 19 DIC 2013 a las 6:15 p. m.

Secrets of Eldritch Passages

Find all chests in Eldritch Passages
Se desbloqueó el 4 MAR 2014 a las 10:34 p. m.

Secrets of Icewarden Keep

Find all chests in Icewarden Keep
Se desbloqueó el 5 MAR 2014 a las 6:23 p. m.

Rosabel's Secrets

Find all chests in The Final Chapter
Se desbloqueó el 6 MAR 2014 a las 11:25 a. m.


Collect all experience pickups in any level
Se desbloqueó el 23 MAR 2013 a las 8:55 a. m.

Lost and Found

Find all chests in the game
Se desbloqueó el 7 MAR 2014 a las 3:17 p. m.


Freeze two enemies and stack them on top of each other
Se desbloqueó el 11 DIC 2013 a las 2:52 p. m.

Challenge is My Middle Name

Complete any level with hardcore mode on and difficulty set to hard
Se desbloqueó el 8 DIC 2013 a las 11:11 a. m.

Walk in the Park

Complete the game on hard using hardcore mode
Se desbloqueó el 7 MAR 2014 a las 3:37 p. m.

Catch This!

Kill an enemy with an airborne object tossed with the Knight's charge
Se desbloqueó el 1 MAR 2014 a las 10:10 p. m.

The Leaning Tower of Pontius

Build a three-piece or three-character tower where lowest part is Pontius and his shield, tower must stand at least five seconds
Se desbloqueó el 19 DIC 2013 a las 6:24 p. m.

No Time to Change Clothes

Complete The Heroes Return
Se desbloqueó el 21 MAR 2014 a las 8:06 p. m.


Complete Deadly Dustland
Se desbloqueó el 18 ABR 2014 a las 2:42 p. m.


Complete Belly of the Beast
Se desbloqueó el 18 ABR 2014 a las 4:34 p. m.

Grand Theft Aviation

Complete Brackenridge Rise
Se desbloqueó el 12 JUN 2014 a las 5:40 p. m.

I'm Walking in the Air

Complete Cloudy Isles
Se desbloqueó el 21 AGO 2014 a las 3:06 p. m.

Happy Reunion

Complete Goblin Machinations
Se desbloqueó el 21 AGO 2014 a las 3:19 p. m.

Belly of the Beast Collector

Collect all level experience in Belly of the Beast
Se desbloqueó el 18 ABR 2014 a las 4:21 p. m.

The Treasurer

Find all chests in the Goblin Menace expansion
Se desbloqueó el 22 AGO 2014 a las 7:21 p. m.

Sharpeyed II (Goblin Menace Expansion)

Find all level experience in any level in the expansion
Se desbloqueó el 18 ABR 2014 a las 4:21 p. m.

Cannonball Rebound

Kill a grenadier goblin with its own cannonball
Se desbloqueó el 18 ABR 2014 a las 4:51 p. m.

Rise to the Challenge

Complete any level of the Goblin Menace expansion with hardcore mode on and difficulty set to hard
Se desbloqueó el 12 JUN 2014 a las 5:40 p. m.

Play Catch

Throw a box with Pontius' magnetic shield and catch it or have another player catch it
Se desbloqueó el 19 DIC 2013 a las 6:24 p. m.

Pontius Transportation Company

Glide for five seconds with Kitesail Shield while having an object or character on top of the shield
Se desbloqueó el 19 DIC 2013 a las 6:57 p. m.

Off You Go

Capture a goblin in a Monster Prison and then launch it with a catapult
Se desbloqueó el 6 MAR 2014 a las 11:56 a. m.

Secrets of the Heroes Return

Find all secret chests in The Heroes Return
Se desbloqueó el 22 AGO 2014 a las 6:31 p. m.

Secrets of Deadly Dustland

Find all secret chests in Deadly Dustland
Se desbloqueó el 22 AGO 2014 a las 6:56 p. m.

Secrets of Belly of the Beast

Find all secret chests in Belly of the Beast
Se desbloqueó el 18 ABR 2014 a las 4:01 p. m.

Secrets of Brackenridge Rise

Find all secret chests in Brackenridge Rise
Se desbloqueó el 22 AGO 2014 a las 7:21 p. m.

Secrets of Cloudy Isles

Find all secret chests in Cloudy Isles
Se desbloqueó el 21 AGO 2014 a las 3:01 p. m.

Surfboard Master

Stand on a plank floating on a single airflow for four seconds

Flying Solo

Complete a whole level playing one character only

This Wasn't the Plan

Make a bubble sink for three seconds

Trine 2 hard

Earn all (original) Achievements in Trine 2

Mosslight Marsh Collector

Collect all experience pickups in Mosslight Marsh

Eldritch Passages Collector

Collect all experience pickups in Eldritch Passages

Master Collector

Collect all experience pickups in the game

O Solo Mio

Complete a level with only Amadeus

Like a Shadow

Complete a level with only Zoya

Alone and Mighty

Complete a level with only Pontius

Trine Kaput?

Complete a level with only Amadeus, a level with only Zoya and a level with only Pontius

All Too Easy!

Finish a level without taking any damage (Not the Tutorial)

The Heroes Return Collector

Collect all level experience in The Heroes Return

Deadly Dustland Collector

Collect all level experience in Deadly Dustland

Brackenridge Rise Collector

Collect all level experience in Brackenridge Rise

Cloudy Isles Collector

Collect all level experience in Cloudy Isles

Goblin Menace Collector

Collect all level experience in the Goblin Menace expansion

Trine 2 Hard II (Goblin Menace Expansion)

Earn all Achievements in Trine 2: The Goblin Menace

Wicked Collection

Capture three different types of enemies inside boxes and stack them on top of another

Grand Collector

Collect all experience pickups in both the main game and the Goblin Menace expansion

Mutually Assured Destruction

Make a sandworm kill another sandworm

Pontius Baseball

Launch an object with Knight's magnetic shield and break it with hammer before the object touches the ground

Trine Kaput For Good?

Complete each expansion level using only one character

Easy as Pie

Complete the Goblin Menace expansion on hard using hardcore mode


Create a makeshift raft of three separate parts and have a goblin sail it for five seconds

This is Trine!

Kick five enemies of the same kind into a bottomless pit with the Thief's grappling hook kick or the Knight's Kitesail Shield glide kick