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4 people found this review helpful
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7.4 hrs on record (5.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
MMORPG? Not even close.
This is a singleplayer mobile game with a chat box.
Sure, you can see other players nearby, but they might as well just be NPCs because you can't actually do anything with other players beyond chatting.

Combat is incredibly weird.
You need to click three times every time to initiate combat. Click the monster, click attack, then click the weapon you want to start with. Just let us press CTRL+Left Click to attack with the most recent weapon we attacked with.
You can easily run away from any combat by becoming invulnerable.
After defeating an enemy (or running away via invulnerable) you are instantly healed to 100% hp.

There's no central bank that you can store everything in. Each profession has a tiny bank inside of their respective buildings.

Gameplay loop for forage/fishing feels pretty bad. You walk 2 minutes to the area you want to forage/fish, click the 3-6 nodes, then wait for them to respawn, then when your inventory fills up (quickly, I might add), you either start throwing them all on the ground or take 2 minutes to walk back to somewhere where you can sell or use the things you foraged/fished. Then you start it all over again.

Also, and I'm sure it's just a bug... but their subscription pricing right now is whack.
30 days is is like $5, but 90 days is like $20? Subscribing for a longer period is supposed to be CHEAPER, not 33% more expensive.

Honestly, it's not worth playing right now until they listen to the community. (And that's not even going into how some of your skills become useless when you move to Chapter 2, where your combat level (Guard) and your gear are no longer usable)
Posted 7 November, 2024.
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0.6 hrs on record
After an update the game doesn't run. Developer refuses to give a refund because it's past the 2 weeks (I only have .6 hours played total). They've made millions and millions of dollars off this game and they can't refund the game to one customer. Garbage developer.

Game is fun and I grew up with games like Chrono Trigger so I was excited to play more but I literally cannot.
Posted 21 December, 2023.
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1.1 hrs on record (0.8 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
The most important thing you should know is that the developer is working on 3 time-intensive games at the same time. They are a solo dev and they are planning to somehow release all 3 of these games in the next couple year it seems.

I'll say that the game does indeed have potential (robot creatures that you can fight/tame!), but at this point it seems the developer (as per responses in the discussion forums) isn't really interested in improving integral parts of the game. They've also stated that the game is "almost done". So, what you see is probably what you're going to get at this point (aside from a few minor changes and some bug fixes).

I'll post down below some of my mental notes I took while trying the game out:

The world seems dead. Even though there are animals and robots roaming around, something about it feels incredibly dull and doesn't feel alive.

Why is "wooden pistol" (and stone) a thing that exists? A wooden pistol just doesn't make any sense. I know you probably want to distance yourself from ARK, but it's okay to just add a bow/arrows. If you want to get pistols right away, that's fine too... you can have the player find used iron/rust/etc from wreckages or old vehicles that are laying around and have them make a "Rusty Pistol" or some kind of crappy first weapon.

Why are crystals straight-up ammunition? That doesn't make any sense, either -- especially since we didn't refine them at all. We just shove jagged crystals into our gun somehow and it becomes ammunition? Also the ammunition is super heavy...

The design and location of crystals seems incredibly out of place. In regards to their color/design, they seem less like crystals and more like crystal-ish mirrors. Honestly if the game had a more cartoony style to it, the design for these crystals would be great, but this game has more "realistic" aesthetics to it. In regards to their location, they seem to be placed randomly. I don't know the "lore" of the world and why these crystals started growing, but it might make sense for the crystals to grow near caves or for them to grow near old technology.

Many of the actions taken in the game seem to not have any weight behind them. Hitting a rock with a pickaxe feels like we're tapping it with a toy. Getting hit by an enemy feels the same way.

There are rocks just randomly floating above the ground all over the place. It looks like they were randomly placed with no care. It's especially noticeable on any type of hill/cliff. It also looks like the same "group of rocks" asset was used over and over ad nauseum.

Lumen makes some objects look blindingly bright. Going into the snowy biome and turning on Lumen makes some of the trees just pure, blindingly white. I've lived in a snow place my whole life, this isn't what snowy trees look like.

Trees have no bottom and when they fall over, if you look at the bottom of the tree you see /through/ the tree.

When there are objects that give off shadows (i.e. large boulders) and you move your camera left to right, often times the shadows will change or flat out disappear. (as if the lighting source changed)

Random personal petpeeve, but why do you have the UE5 logo pop up when the game starts? It just takes longer for people to get into the game.

These are some of the mental notes I've made so far.
Posted 13 February, 2023.
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A developer has responded on 3 Apr, 2023 @ 6:31pm (view response)
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3.9 hrs on record
新作リズムRPGのEVERHOODはアンダーテール ✕ 逆ギターヒーローだと言われいます。






Posted 5 March, 2021.
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43 people found this review helpful
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2.8 hrs on record
Early Access Review
もしHelldivers、Apex、時空戦士テュロック (またはジュラシックパーク)が合体してマルチプレイ恐竜サバイバルFPSになったら、こんな物になるでしょう。恐竜サバイバルと言えば、ARKを思い出す人はいるでしょうけど、クラフトや建築などの要素がないです。



● グラフィックスは結構綺麗
● 日本語化はいい感じ
● マルチプレイには問題がなさそう
● それぞれのヒーローのアビリティ
● 武器のアップデートシステム (モンハンみたいに恐竜を倒して素材

● 一部の武器の威力が少し弱いと思う(それか恐竜たちは硬すぎる)。例えば、一番小さい恐竜でも、倒すのにたまにアサルトライフルのマガジンの半分を消費する必要がある。
● シングルプレイは非常にに難しい。人数によって難易度や選べるミッションが変わってくれればと思う。
● 走り回れば、多くの恐竜の攻撃はプレイヤーに当たらない・・・

Posted 15 October, 2020.
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11 people found this review helpful
11.8 hrs on record (7.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review





Posted 22 January, 2020.
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32 people found this review helpful
4 people found this review funny
1.2 hrs on record (0.9 hrs at review time)


Posted 27 September, 2019.
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10 people found this review helpful
4.7 hrs on record
Early Access Review




Posted 26 September, 2019.
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1.7 hrs on record (0.8 hrs at review time)
遂に、Bendy and the Ink Machineの開発者(KindlyBeast)が新作ホラーゲームを出しました!

Showdown Banditは、ベンディと違って、3人称アイソメトリックパペットホラーゲームで、キャラクターみんなは全部パペットです。(正確に言うと、マリオネット)

主人公はBanditというカウボーイ系マリオネットです。どうやらそれぞれのパペットには意識があるみたいだけど、それなのに多くのパペットたちは誰かに糸で操られています。糸が付いていないパペットは「糸なし Stringless」と呼ばれていて、このゲームの敵の一種になっています。糸がなければ、暴走し始めるのかな?



Posted 19 September, 2019. Last edited 20 September, 2019.
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33 people found this review helpful
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9.2 hrs on record (2.6 hrs at review time)
Remnant: From the Ashesは新作マルチプレイアクションRPGで、ダークソウル系とは言えますが、世界観や設定やストーリーや敵のデザインなどは全然違います。








Posted 22 August, 2019.
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