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Diposting: 3 Mei @ 5:57am
Diperbarui: 8 Agu @ 12:53am

Damnit just stop nerfing our gear!
Its not that hard, its around 1:4 ratio of useful to useless items, and these "balance" devs seem hellbent on making every item a super soaker. They used the term "reliable" to describe why they nerfed a weapon, why would you nerf a reliable weapon to then make it unreliable?! You are tilting the scale against the players seemingly because you hate us.

And what I believe is causing all of this backlash, is because the last update they said, no more nerfs. And here they are, after we waited for a month for their vacations only to be immediately stabbed in the back. How's a little loyalty after so much hype for your game. Not to mention how many bugs are in the game since its launch are only now being noticed, after they have basically been a fundamental part of the game, they only now decide to "fix" it. Its all a late April fools joke. I'm done.

GGs all,
The Sony and Arrowhead coalition managed to secure defeat from the jaws of victory.
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