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「Reach4」 27. Juni 2018 um 6:03 
Hi, I quit csgo trading and csgo at all(cause of last update) so I want to collect as much graffities as possible. I trade my Karambit Doppler for 8-10 sealed graffities, so send me tradeoffer. My link in my profile bro
Calliban 15. Apr. 2018 um 11:03 
Denro 23. Sep. 2017 um 13:27 
Denro 23. Sep. 2017 um 9:47 
+rep is a man of culture aswell
Hoppy 9. Juli 2017 um 10:07 
+rep gg man, best game ever ;)
Calliban 3. Juli 2017 um 14:06 
new acc?