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1,778.0 hrs on record (1,650.5 hrs at review time)
-Fix nothing and break everything.

-Literally support cheaters by not doing anything about them.

-Build a system to fight toxicity that is easily manipulated and leave it just like that, staying in the good zone doesn't even reward you in a way that worths a little.

-Say you reworked Recruit but the only thing you did was make Recruit customizable for both attack and defence both cosmetic wise and utility wise. Let Recruit choose any of two different gadgets they want. And turned Recruit into a single operator that cannot be chosen by multiple players anymore. This isn't really a rework. Tachanka's change was a rework, how shields changed was a rework but this is not a rework.

-Ask for a subscribtion that costs more than a newly released AAA game and it even is double the price of Baldur's Gate 3, a game that has won GOTY and it's undisputable, at least here in Türkiye, I don't know if it costs more on different stores. Let's return to our subscribtion, for the cost like that it must have lots of content in it yeah? No you only get:

(I)-premium battle pass for the season you're actively subscribed,
-get 10 bp levels,
-a single cosmetic that can be completed into a set if you subscribe every month in the season,
-a cosmetic set bundle
-one bravo pack,
(I)-%10 store discount.

(I) means those features already existed in Year Pass, an early feature you could buy at the start of the beginning of new year for Siege, that lasted the whole year.

Here in Türkiye Fortnite's monthly subscribtion costs x2,73 lesser (actually even more than that with per month purchase but I'm assuming you'd buy the 1 year version for less price):

-gives a set of cosmetics that can get 5 different color schemes with additional monthly subscribtion on next months (I don't know if the subscribtions has to be continious or not),
-gives 1000 V-Bucks (the in game currency that is bought by only real money or acquired by the subscribtion),
-gives the battle pass and if it's already purchased by V-Bucks before the subscribtion it gives you the V-Bucks back,
-it gives you Rocket League battle pass too.

Let's add that Fortnite actually gives V-Bucks from the battle pass even more than the cost of it so you can basically get all the cool BP skins that are far better than almost any cosmetics ever released on Siege and also be able to buy something you loved on store (Fortnite did far more collaborations than Siege did so we're talking about Star Wars characters, Witcher characters, real life stars, video game legends, etc.) with the 2.500 V-Bucks you got from the battle pass and monthly subscribtion with only one month of subscribtion.

For a long time the gameplay doesn't even feel well as much as it did before. The game became more like COD. R6S was unique, you could have a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ aim but if you were good enough to compete you could outplay your rivals and still win with game sense and strategies. Game knowledge kinda not exist below high ranks and you can basically rank up just by having a good aim. Earlier all operators were unique and they meant something, it was important to pick the right operator for the match, now unless you pick the worst operator for the situation it matters little. It does actually matter who do you pick, how do you play as that op but the problem is it's only on higher ranks. Below that the game is like who shoots and moves better.

I'll leave some personal opinions that are ♥♥♥♥ takes and I'm probably the only one to think like this.

-Visual weapon recoils were better than no visual recoil. That kind of feature fits well into a game like this.

-Map bans are kinda ok, I do feel like we must play on all available maps but some of them are a bit unbalanced so it makes sense that we ban maps that are not much cool to play on. However operator ban seems unnecessary to me. In pro league they ban operators to weaken the opposing team through tactics and strategy but outside of it players ban operators with almost no reason. I mean yeah some operators are annoying but there isn't a single operator that doesn't have a single weakness that can be worked on against them with observation. Dokkaebi gets banned no stop even while she has only two phone calls. You should be able to work around this situation by skill and knowledge, you should be able to ready to face any operator and fight against them. That was what made Siege beautiful, actually unique operators and you had to know how to face them with there being no way around it.

-Getting scanned by cams/drones shouldn't alert scanned players. Like do god feel offended by it and warn the operator about getting scanned? You see the drone you shoot it, if you don't you don't, there shouldn't be a reason to feel the drones presence around you with no absolute reason.
Posted 13 June, 2024.
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50.9 hrs on record (18.4 hrs at review time)
Bu oyunun ne kadar iyi olduğu açıklanamaz. Kelimeler yetmez. Tek söyleyebileceğim geçmişi dolu bir ölüm makinasını yönetiyorsunuz.

Ben bu oyuna 10/10 puan veririm.


Benim için ne kadar sorun olmasada bu oyunda sansür yok. Küfürler için demiyorum yaralar için. Mermi adamların bir yerinden girip bir yerinden çıkabiliyor ve biraz kanlı, kan sevmeyenler almadan önce bu oyunun videosunu çekenler vardır onların videolarından biraz izlesin ona göre alsın derim.
Posted 17 June, 2015.
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226.3 hrs on record (61.0 hrs at review time)
Muhteşem bir oyun! ejderhalarmı haydutlarmı imparatorlukmu fırtınapelerinlermı yoksa peşine takılmış askerlermi hangisi daha çok belalı belkide hiçbiri belki troll belki dev saymakla bitmiyor bir sürü bela peşinizde ve siz ,ejderdoğan, hepsinin hakkından gelmeye hazır olmalısınız. Ya Hodvar yada Ralof , ya fırtınapelerinler yada imparatorluk birsürü ikilem ve daha fazlası hiçbir şey saymakla bitmez bu oyunda. Aslında söylenecek tek şey var: Anlatılmaz oynanır.
Posted 22 May, 2015. Last edited 24 November, 2016.
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47.7 hrs on record (4.7 hrs at review time)
good game
Posted 7 June, 2014.
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