Taipei, T'ai-pei, Taiwan
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Any kind of information published here (include but not limit to Mandarin, Bopomofo, Latin alphabet, Slavic alphabet, Arabic alphabet, Japanese, word, sentence, image, picture, record, or any combination) are randomly input, using by evaluating keyboard, monitor and photoelectric properties. This account owner do not partial/totally agree, against, or endorsement these information. If you need any detail inquiry please contact with inventor of keyboard or legal person of keyboard manufacturer.

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24 h registradas
usado por última vez el 27 FEB
84 h registradas
usado por última vez el 27 FEB
18.3 h registradas
usado por última vez el 25 FEB
Willian 6 MAY 2022 a las 11:30 p. m. 
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DemiZaka46 10 NOV 2018 a las 2:04 a. m. 