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Nylige anmeldelser av KillR_Cupcake

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25.4 timer totalt
This game is a lot of things packed into one and youmay or may not like it, it's a third person shooter, it's a hack n slash, it's a puzzle adventure and it's a visual novel. This very very hybrid gameplay is what you're gonna want to focus on because that makes or breaks your experience.

The story is very interesting and you don't really need to get into the Danganronpa franchise to get into it as it can very well stand on its own and could very well get you into the main series if you liked the visual novel aspect, otherwise it's still a very good shooter/hack n slash.

The gameplay is very good in each of its different facets, though if you're looking at it at an optimizing resources/completionist point of view, out of the 3 bullets that can do damage, you're only gonna want to use the one you start with, break. The game gives you coins when you kill a monokuma and a perfect shot on its right eye gives you a gold coin that is worth 3 times that of a bronze one, any other means of killing it will give you the bronze one or a silver one on certain types of monokuma.

The puzzles are fun and engaging but can be frutrating if you're looking to get perfect solves since a couple times you're faces with more than two in a row without a save point nearby, otherwise they are great and vary in difficulty but all of them are doable

If you're a completionist you can 100% the game in two runs if you have a guide telling you the placement of all collectibles in the game, if you don't have one nearby you're gonna get 60% - 80% of all collectibles and be annoyed looking for the rest on your second playthrough. Getting A-ranks in every chapter is possible if you load the most recent save file instead of retrying (don't forget to save frequently) and if you have a keen eye (or a guide) to find all of the hidden kids in the chapter

The story is really really interesting and has its fair share of good plot twists and foreshadowing with an also pretty great ending that puts a lot of value on your adventure, the antagonist is really easy to hate (but don't worry, you're kind of supposed to) and the bosses are all stellar but not very hard.

Which is a fair thing to point out, this game (action-wise) lacks the difficulty that it gives you in comparison to the puzzle sections for example, changing the difficulty from easy to medium to hard barely does anything aside from maybe making bosses a little less aggresive, even though once you notice the patterns they attack in, become very beatable, don't be deceived however, getting perfect shots on the common enemies is fairly challenging and at the same time incredibly satisfying

As for the cons

There are some aspects about the story that aren't really stellar, mainly the game getting too comfortable depicting certain aspects of child abuse, most notably a s*xually abused child letting out her frustrations onto a teenager through a very bdsm-like "tentacle machine" and the ending of an otherwise great hack n slash sequence involving attacking the child and cutting off her clothes untill she's in her underwear and runs away embarrased, this segment made me very uncomfortable personally and while you can skip the cutscenes you're forced to play a minigame where you fend off the tentacle hands trying to grope the protagonist, again, a teenager, and the game even tastelessly jokes about this moment two times after it's done, mocking the protagonist being s*xually assaulted by a child. AND the game for some reason is really proud of this sequence as it's its own achievement.

Gameplay wise I already disclosed how the difficulty settings don't really feel that much different like they should feel and how you're forced to use the same ammo type if you want to get golden coins only and how being thrown three or four puzzles in a row can be very frustrating without a save point between them, That and the sparce stealth sections of the game can be pretty difficult or annoying.

Finally, the price and playtime

If you skip all cutscenes and you 100% the game in two runs you have around 25 hours of gameplay, the story and cutscenes more or less double that, make of that what you will with this game's cost, some people think it's unfair how it's more expensive that the main danganronpa titles and some others say it's perfectly fine because it has so many more gameplay elements than just a point and click visual novel.
Publisert 29. november 2020.
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128.0 timer totalt (84.5 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Este juego me gusta aún más que el Borderlands 2 pero tiene mucha audacia costando más y ofreciendo menos contenido, definitivamente es mejor, los personajes y las armas son geniales y más balanceados en todas las dificultades, casi no hay puntos de habilidad desperdiciados en los árboles de los personajes y la mayoría de armas y estilos de juego son viables en las dificultades altas aunque sigue siendo menos contenido que su predecesor
Publisert 8. august 2020.
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1 person syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
26.3 timer totalt (13.7 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Got this as a gift after I talked to a friend about it, the stunning artwork and soundtrack drew me in from the first time it crossed my eyesight and the thoughtful strategic and action packed gameplay and beautiful yet tragic story made it even better, this is a short game that dwells between the 12 and 30 hours but by all means, it deserves to be played by everyone
Publisert 7. januar 2020.
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