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Recent reviews by tumorousnuts

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4 people found this review helpful
99.5 hrs on record (94.8 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
My robocraft review:
It's been a while since I last played this game and enjoyed it.
Where to start...
I had first heard about this game when my brother and a couple of his friends had been playing it. I started off in the laser-fest that was tier one, and slowly began making my way up the challenging but very fun slope of technology. School starts, and I make two new friends (which are still great friends today) because we all had one thing in common: Robocraft. I got a lot of my other PC gamer friends to join us and we had a blast. The developers were releasing updates fairly frequently, and added my most favorite weapon, the Nanotech Disruptors. The majority of my friends an I were in tier 4-5, and I couldn't wait to get them, since I love playing support. I literally couldn't wait, so I payed $10 to get them and some extra in game money as well. The game kept getting better, and everyone was having a great time. I was in tier 7 right as they added spider legs.

At this point, the game was at its peak.
Not necessarily the peak as in the most enjoyable time, but as in right when it started to go downhill. The updates got more obscure as the game went on, adding in tank treads and other cool new weapons and addons, rebalances etc. However, there was one update that completely crippled this game. What seemed a cool new concept and great way to have fun in the game turned into a huge cluster♥♥♥♥ of people spamming caps in the chat because we weren't defending top lane or that someone kept getting spawnkilled. This was the update that added the new gamemode with the huge mechanical mushroom looking things with gems or whatever the ore was called at the top. I heard about it and was actually decently excited, the game needed a new gamemode. I played about 40 of these matches, and figured out that it was no where near as fun as the risk vs reward of the classic gamemode. Of course, you could sitll play classic, but with this new shiny gamemode about 4 people in each tier were actually playing classic. We (being my friends and I) decided to take a bit of a hiatus from the game, to see how it was doing later in development.

Fast forward half a year or so, I meet a streamer from the Netherlands and a friend at school who have both played recently. The tech tree is essentially gone, all progress has disappeared (including my ten dollars mind you) and they add ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ round blocks, to a square based building system. The community gets more toxic, the demographic has completely changed, and was once a life changing game has transformed itself into a monstrous cardboard box of ♥♥♥♥ on my doorstep.

In its earlier stages, I would have reccomended this game. Now? Well, lets just say I'd rather play Bad Ratz for 4 hours straight than play this deformed atrocity for an hour. I'm sad that it had to end this way, and wish it would magically revert to its old state. We miss you, old Robocraft.
Posted 5 April, 2016.
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1 person found this review helpful
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0.0 hrs on record
best soundtrack 10/10 not like FNAF world, getting taken off steam
Posted 10 March, 2016.
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1 person found this review helpful
1 person found this review funny
692.8 hrs on record (204.7 hrs at review time)
CS:GO Review
Posted 22 August, 2015.
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