Why so dead?
If you are adding me because of something related to EpIC Nation your wasting your time. I only add people i know, or have a good reputation with me. If there is something wrong related to EpIC Nation, Visit the website. []

I have a few rules about being on my friends list.
1.) Never send me links, even if they are for a youtube video, i will unfriend you immediately.
2.) Dont send me game invites, i will usually ignore them unless your a close friend.
3.) Dont spam me. If im in on a joke and its funny, ha. But if not, i will unfriend you immediately (unless its a urgent emergency)
4.) Dont add me just to report players on my servers, I have created and tweaked report plugins for this purpose.
5.) i will add more as i make them :P
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Unjust Murder 25 Δεκ 2024, 10:19 
Merry christmas my man. Hit me up sometime!
Maple 20 Δεκ 2016, 21:19 
Happy Holidays!
GHo$T 🌙 23 Δεκ 2014, 12:18 
MerryChristmas ★
☢EpIC☢™ Rank up stranges 20 Ιουλ 2012, 16:39 
Ready to work
johnny gat 27 Μαρ 2012, 22:10 
he ownes 28 games
[OPST]SirBannanaPudding™ 27 Νοε 2011, 13:38 
how many games you own