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42.5 hrs on record (10.4 hrs at review time)
The progression kind of sucks at the moment, it just feels really bad seeing how much you have to work to unlock things... That said, you don't need to unlock anything to have a decent deck and be able to play and win games. Balancing is a bit rough too, it seems easier to just stack early game cards (which mostly unlocked by default) and try to force a quick win but that's just not fun and if you go late game, there's some really broken cards.

I do like the idea of the game and the fact that it's not nearly as sweaty as Battles and quite chill to play, even PvP. Can't complain much about a free game given the only issues are ones they can fix.
Posted 2 November, 2024.
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16.4 hrs on record (4.4 hrs at review time)
I'm recommending this, however, I feel like it's a bit over priced for the lack of features. First off, I have no plans to play PvP and have not played coop yet (but do hope to). The campaign is said to be around 6 hours.

The game doesn't have ultra wide support but devs confirmed it is coming mid-end september, though for a game this price it really should have been here on release. Also, it doesn't have HDR support which is a real shame with how good it would make this game look and how much it costs.

Additionally, the classes are not used in the campaign and you cannot customize your character (Titus) in the campaign. The preorder bundle/cosmetic dlc somewhat applies to the campaign weapons but only the default ones. Why not just put the skin on all of them?

I feel like these are all kind of just basic expectations for a $60 game released in 2024.

That said, while I have barely played SM1, the story for the campaign seems pretty rich if you're into that. I think that the longevity for this game is really going to be pushed with the coop and PvP modes. If you're only looking for the campaign play, then it's probably not worth it unless you're really into the SM story. I suspect most people looking at this game are looking more at the coop and/or PvP side and it's probably worth it if you're planning on playing a lot of coop or PvP as they are planning on adding a lot more PvE and PvP modes and content over the next year.
Posted 7 September, 2024.
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173.6 hrs on record (14.9 hrs at review time)
Huge PayDay fan and am still excited to play this game more (I got a few days in before launch and beta tests) but it's really hard to recommend in its' current state.

Game is fun, a bit expensive for what it currently is (just 6 missions) but IF it ever gets the loads of missions and massive mod support that PD2 did, then it's a great price... until it drops when that point actually comes around in a few years.

However, unfortunately, it does not have an offline mode. For the entire launch day, the game has been down and literally unplayable all because of the required online state to play the game.

First issue was that the match making server was down for hours so you couldn't play a mission. Second issue now is that the Nebula server is down so you can't even log into the game. Multiple single points of failure...

All of these issues because they refuse to allow offline play. And that's only because they want to control all the content (with eventual micro-transactions later, which are just cosmetic) which also means that this will not take off as easily in the modding community, if at all.

All the negative reviews and discussion threads from launch day are simply because no one can play it and that is simply because there is no offline mode. Quite sad.
Posted 21 September, 2023.
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110.7 hrs on record (64.6 hrs at review time)
TLDR: I play the game primarily for parkour, and then some zombie slashing is a bonus, that's it but it's amazing for that!

I was really curious about the story and it's alright. I understand why people are upset with it but it's not terrible (the length of cut scenes is the worst, more below). The parkour is definitely a step up from DL1 which I already loved and now DL2 is more on par with Mirrors Edge. I think they did a great job with that. Though, it does a feel a bit clunky at first like the characters reaction time to your input is a bit delayed. I'm not sure if that's something that was patched or if it has to do with level but I don't notice it anymore (maybe I've just gotten used to it) and I do recall a similar feeling in DL1.

This may be different in hard mode, I haven't tried that quite yet... This game is not nearly as intense during the night as DL1 and I'm not sure if this is for better or worse. I know Techland wanted this game to reach out to more people and that could be why. It could also be that the buildings are just simply higher and you're not triggering zombies on the ground to chase you as often, I'm not sure. Definitely a big part of that is that the big Volatile zombies aren't around outside at night for some reason until you get into a level 2/3 chase. To that point though, they hit a LOT harder here than they did in DL1. You are NOT killing one of those without a UV light and even with that, if you get surrounded by 3 or 4, good luck. But in general, at night, you can just run around the roof tops earning that extra XP no problem.

The worst thing is all the lengthy cut scenes and it is true that some of them change the game a lot. However, some of the cut scenes give you a decision that suggest (by the yellow text) it may change something in the game/story but the conversation seems to go the exact same path it would have if I selected the other option. This just makes me feel like it's a waste of time to even give an option. I really hope they adjust how the "skip" feature works as you need to skip every single sentence. It should just skip to the part of needing to provide an answer or skip the whole conversation all together. With the mindset that people should play through this multiple times to see the different stories, that is not a good workflow and I feel like I'll need to buy a new switch for my spacebar after this.

As far as bugs go, I honestly haven't really seen any except that when I'm playing with friends, there seems to be a sync issue that causes some zombies to appear on screen but not actually do or react to anything. That issue seems to happen more often than I care to admit and can be annoying at times but certainly not game breaking.

Nvidia driver note - Update it. I can't recall versions off the top of my head but I upgraded about 6 months ago and played this as soon as it came out. I then noticed Nvidia had an update specific for DL2 and doing nothing else, that got me 25-30 FPS more :) and now I can enable some ray tracing features without terrible frame drops.
Posted 22 February, 2022.
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289.8 hrs on record (271.5 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Amazing!!! THIS is a perfect example of what Early Access is for. I can't believe it's just one guy making this. He quite his job to make this game specifically because he likes everything about the development process and his passion for it really shows here.

His update scheme is miles ahead of anyone else. Every single update includes at least a handful new and different content along normal changes/balancing and bug fixes (which there aren't many bugs that I've seen). Literally, every update makes my need to play and check out the new things.

My favorite things about the game (in no particular order):
- Rock climbing! I really was not expecting this to be as smooth as it is :)
- With the newest update, we now have HANG GLIDERS!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Scuba gear and underwater exploration/cave systems!
- Weather and seasonal system. I really love the storms now. Vegetation changes with the season as well some animal behavior ;) It truly gives you a feel of having to work hard just so you can hunker down in the winter and relax watching the snow fall and lakes freeze over. I've never felt my hard summer work pay off so much in any survival game before.
- The building and how everything looks. I don't know how to explain it as it has a somewhat primitive feel but modern look and items when building things. For example, you don't progress through building material (like thatch > wood > metal), it's just nice looking wood (and all objects fit together nicely, which for reason seems to be an issue with other survival games) and then you can add metal armor to it or glass objects.
- Wild life! Yes, it is hard to deal with at first but if you pay attention (not only to where you're going but your stamina as well), it's not difficult to navigate around bears/wolves. Seriously, just pay attention! :D
- The elevators were a very welcomed addition as well, especially since I like the building so much XD

If you're new, here are my tips:
-Start with a throw away game just to learn the basics and turn AI hunters off just so you can learn the map (this will be more useful than you think, though, there also wasn't a map when I started playing and there is now). More importantly, how to deal with, or rather avoid, the wild life. Again, pay attention, if you run straight into a bear, you weren't paying enough attention (it happens to all of us though). Keep your eyes and ears open!
-Then, start playing a game with AI Hunters set to retaliation only and learn how they work. Don't worry, you'll eventually unknowingly run past some that will make come and attack you a bit later :P
- Maybe my biggest tip - ALWAYS turn around and check for boxes behind you. They seem to spawn in using a radial pattern around you but often end up being in a straight line and if you just keep running forward you'll miss a LOT. I've never found it difficult to gather resources when focusing on finding boxes. It may sound weird to keep running around the same area but I've found it to be VERY effective.
- It will feel like a grind at first, especially without the material progression you're likely used to. But, once you get your first solar panel, it's off the races! Soon enough you'll be self sufficient and enjoying your hard work from the comfort of your cozy home(s) :)
Posted 19 December, 2021. Last edited 19 December, 2021.
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683.5 hrs on record
Posted 14 January, 2021.
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388.7 hrs on record (214.4 hrs at review time)
Fantastic game. It's a go-to when we're not sure what else to play.

My only complaint is that we're still waiting on a second one and I wish there was some modding so that we can try and balance the game to our liking. For example, being able to select more than one hero per player at the beginning would be helpful for two man teams and what not. The less players you have the more handicapped you are but that still doesn't take away from the fun and it's always possible to win if you play it right.
Posted 20 October, 2020.
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197.3 hrs on record (187.6 hrs at review time)
Update: I thought I'd try this again after a few years and I'm glad that I did, I have now fully confirmed that I will never buy a Rock Star game again.

Rock Star has made is extremely clear that they don't care about their product or the people who play it. Once they get their money, they simply move onto the next thing and I'm done giving them money for broken garbage.

It literally still has the same game breaking bugs as it did on day 1 (THREE YEARS LATER!! WTF??):
-Never ending load screens
-Not loading properly with posse (like going in/out of moonshine house, though it seemed to a little bit better but still broke several times)
- Watching the never ending cut scene of your character continue to walk into the horse when going into the stable (I mean seriously, you couldn't spend one day in three years simply changing the walk path in this cut scene??)

It is still riddled with hackers. We scuffled with some randoms, like accidentally tackling or roping someone instead of a friend which led to fire fights. It all seemed fair, we killed and got killed.... But, as soon as we went to do a trader mission and transport supplies, the white flag went down and within 3 seconds someone teleported to use spamming bombs/C4. We kept respawning and shot him several times but he never lost any health and the rope would go right through him. We tried to continue the journey but he would just keep teleporting and emoting.

======== Original Review ========

If you enjoy staring at a loading screen, you'll love this game. Seriously, it's soo broken with an insane amount of game breaking bugs and ripe full of hackers (exactly as you would expect from Rockstar) that you literally spend 90% of your time reloading into sessions to get away from hackers or because the games broken and your camp doesn't exist anywhere and you keep spending money to try and reload it until you realize it's just broken.

It is absolutely atrocious that they think this is a playable game at all. It's disgusting that this is a AAA title. I mean, I've played many early access games from small indi devs that have FAR less bugs in them. Even abandoned projects.

It's actually joke and not even a game. I'm convinced that this is just a test to see how far people will go and how much they would pay just to play a game based on it's title.

I'm 100% done with ALL Rockstar games and will NEVER buy another one after this sh*t show.
Posted 30 June, 2020. Last edited 15 May, 2023.
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48.9 hrs on record
Got banned for hacking, was told by PUBG Corp I wasn't hacking, had to wait the ban out but didn't care to play after that.
Posted 24 July, 2019.
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10.6 hrs on record (8.1 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
So far, the best BR game yet.

**Need kill-able seals in lobby** #wheremysealsat
Posted 3 September, 2018.
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