Han   Korea, Republic of
Nessuna informazione.
PeTRoVicH-☆ 26 gen 2019, ore 23:26 
:korea:(KOR):안녕하세요 여러분 SeVeN입니다. 학업문제로 인해서 올해 3월 2일부터 내년 초반까지 잠수탈예정입니다.
:unionjack:(ENG):Hello Everyone, This is SeVeN, Due to studying for highschool, I can't connect to the steam from March 2nd to beginning season of next year(would be january,february or even march) Sorry for can't hanging with you mates
:RUSINI:(RUS):Привет всем, Это SeVeN. из-за изучения для высокой школы. Я не могу подключиться в steam с марта 2 до начала следующего года
Eco & Dream 13 nov 2018, ore 22:37 
hey point get gogo
냥냥펀치 27 gen 2018, ore 6:23 
Trade Your Cases For Keys! 4x1 Rate! {COLLEGAMENTO RIMOSSO}
AKVI 아크비 16 feb 2017, ore 18:57 
친추 받아주세요~~!!
오홍홍좋아용 29 dic 2016, ore 22:20 
HAPPY new year kurup (^_^)
< = ( ) =>
○ ○
오홍홍좋아용 3 set 2015, ore 23:52 
Thank you