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Recent reviews by KelweN

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9 people found this review helpful
75.5 hrs on record (74.1 hrs at review time)
It looks simple but it is actually challenging. 10/10

Bosses mechanics are well done and pretty different from each other, some are simple and easy to do with the right weapons, but even so sometimes RNG just gets to you to make ir harder.

Even when you already got the hang of the gameplay, some maps, it will just kill you out of bad RNG.

The game is fair, challenging and I really loved it, played until I got all achievements and still didn't get to test every weapon and relics the game offers.
Posted 20 July, 2024.
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26.0 hrs on record (13.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
The game had a few small updates since launch, so now I'm editing my review.

I feel there was an improvement, before it'd take like 1 hour to feel strong, now it takes 30m, but it still feels like too much time.

  • The Forge system is still bad. But the rest compensates it.
  • There's still bad characters in the game, some clearly stronger than others. I'd still say that 3 out of 7 are really playable and fun.
  • They gave more artifacts from the start, so now it takes like 30m to feel like your character is strong.
  • There still no way to make your build/gameplay style. It feels like every characters gets the same powers/artifacts to be strong in the end.
  • 30 minutes is still too long to start to feel strong when the objective of the game is to destroy everything in sight. I played a 120 minutes session with no ending in sight, so I finalized with Apotheosis, the game still don't have a "save your run" system.

The game is good, it has potential, but still not worth it. You will put too much time in the game so in the end you will be saying: "Ok, so there's nothing more I can do and it is not fun to re-play it".

If you are like me, fan of games in this style but with lots of enemies waves, with possibility to make your own build/gameplay style with a lot of RNG, this game is not it, yet at least.
Posted 15 May, 2024. Last edited 30 May, 2024.
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5.4 hrs on record (4.9 hrs at review time)
If you played Warzone before, you'll like this one. It even seems smoother.
Posted 23 November, 2022.
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76.0 hrs on record (75.1 hrs at review time)
Um jogo de uma história incrível, escolhas ao decorrer do jogo que realmente te fazem sentir dentro da história, sua história realmente sendo trilhada no jogo; e com finais dignos de filmes blockbusters.

A gameplay é como qualquer outro FPS, mas claro com habilidades que podem ser usadas em vários situações, mas é basicamente um FPS; Quanto maior nível de dificuldade, realmente a coisa complica.

O jogo é ótimo! Apesar de todos os bugs que foi no lançamento e seus maus reviews, a história do jogo, as possibilidades de ações dentro do jogo, é incrível.
Posted 24 November, 2021.
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7.8 hrs on record (5.4 hrs at review time)
Um jogo bem legal, história mediana, puzzles interessantes mas não muito desafiadores, já em co-op a coisa fica mais interessante, outro nível. Controles ótimos e mecânicas de lutas bem feitas, porém senti falta de mais variedades de inimigos.

Contudo, o jogo é ótimo pra passar tempo e bem mais divertido em co-op. Vale a pena.
Posted 23 June, 2017.
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1.6 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Hahahaha, mano, vale a pena!

Jogo bem montado para ser jogado com joystick (controle xbox/ps), sons deixam o jogo a ação engraçada, a movimentação dos bonecos são engraçados, customização legal, creio que será adicionado bem mais coisas, trilha sonora não gostei muito, poderia ser melhor, creio que tenha muita coisa a ser melhorada como menus, interface, musicas, MAS, em quesitos de gameplay e diversão, o jogo é 10/10! Risadaria garantida!
Posted 1 April, 2017.
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6.5 hrs on record (6.4 hrs at review time)
Pra passar um tempo, este jogo é muito bom, de faroeste, armas classicas, chega a ser engraçado de tosco.
Posted 19 July, 2014.
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Showing 1-7 of 7 entries