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Скорошни рецензии на Kazumanyaa

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Публикувана 16 септември 2016.
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This is like call of duty in the future, and I'm not talking about BO2
Публикувана 16 април 2014.
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When I first saw the gameplay video and screenshots of the game, I thought it would be a realistic and exciting racing game with tons of features. Oh boy, I was wrong. When I clicked the play button, I've suffered enough already and quickly uninstalled it. RaceRoom Racing Experience is a crap game with a load of bullcrap in it and shouldn't be bought by all people for eternity.

Yes, the game's graphics and details are pretty good until your "racing experience" being annoyed by the terrible car handling and Playstation 1 car sounds. Believe me, handling in here is screwed up and probably the most annoying thing you will encounter in the game. Cars will spin out like crazy with no control at all. This is no racing simulator, it's just a game with glitchy cars spinning around and hit each other.

So my final verdict is that, while the game has realistic graphics, the terrible handling just hindered you for maintaining the real racing experience. The game does have a lot of potential, but SimBin, the developers, executed this in a wrong way and that chance is gone forever, and it wouldn't able to compete with current racing games like Gran Turismo, Forza Motorsport, and Grid.

Although patches has been released, still, they're too late to fix RaceRoom's glitchy and broken gameplay.

And although I played RaceRoom for a short time, 15 minutes is enough for you to suffer from it's crappy gameplay.

Sorry, SimBin, but I have to give this game a 3/10 :(
Публикувана 4 април 2014. Последно редактирана 11 март 2015.
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Okay, how should I say this? OMG, it's one of the most exciting zombie video games of all time!!!

No More Room In Hell was a multiplayer-based Half Life 2 mod that was released in 2011 which has been in development nearly 7 years. The game has been released on Steam in 2013 as a full game, and that means Steam users don't need Half Life 2 to play the game.

The game has two modes, an objective-based mode and a survival mode, The objective-based is a simple point to point level which needs players to fight hordes of zombies in their way while they're going to the main objective, while the survival mode puts players in a scenario which players have to survive and kill some waves of hungry zombies.

There are three types of zombies : normal, flesh-eating, Romero-type "Walker" zombies, running zombies, and children zombies.

You can also have the ability to play the game in single player mode (just go to the create server menu with no other players and just dive in into the game).

The game's tense and dark atmosphere made the game's very fun and scary to explore, especially if you wander alone like a lost explorer. Most maps are pretty dark so you need flashlight to explore the game's levels (you can also use a lighter, but it can only lights a bit of an area).

Weapons in this game are pretty badass. From pistols to SMGs, knives to machetes, baseball bats to sledgehammers, and semi-automatic rifles to shotguns. The game also have some types of ammo, which firearms with a same ammo type can be used.

However, there are still some flaws in this game, which sometimes made the experience a little bit boring and annoying. One of 'em is the stiff, wooden, and unrealistic character animations, the lack of body deformation features on zombies, the lack of allied bot support on single player mode, and the depiction of children zombies. There are also no extra game modes other than the objective and survival modes, and the fact that the game didn't have some character and weapons customization features.

Still, it is one of the most exciting and scariest zombie survival video games of all time!!!

I gave NMRIH 8.7/10 :)
Публикувана 25 февруари 2014.
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614.3 изиграни часа (48.3 часа по време на рецензията)
Публикувана 23 юли 2013.
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