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1 person found this review helpful
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0.9 hrs on record
Early Access Review
As of version 0.358 it has too many bugs to be enjoyable. Game has a great premise though, so it is worth to keep an eye on it.
Posted 20 September, 2024.
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0.3 hrs on record
Only for most devoted speedway fans. Menu is counter intuitive and looks like something from free games added to PC magazines in late 90s and early 00s. Camera glitched multiple times during first few races, basically not allowing me to play the game. Refunded.

This is sale before devs delist the game. If you are thinking about getting it now - don't.
Posted 18 September, 2024.
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2.9 hrs on record
It is nothing special really. Think Killing Floor with slight changes, but in third perspective. You spawn on the map and fight waves of enemies coming at you. There are several types of them, but most are just your typical stuff: regular guy, guy spitting acid, guy going boom-boom and so on. You can play solo or in co-op, but you will probably need friends as servers seem empty.

If possible I would rate it at neutral. Since I can't, I'm giving it a positive rating - what is in the game works, and if this is your cup of tea give it a try.
Posted 24 December, 2023.
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10.6 hrs on record
Very good, immersing atmosphere. The game is short, but the story more than makes up for it.
Posted 26 November, 2023.
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19 people found this review helpful
4.4 hrs on record
Early Access Review
TL;DR - Title in pre-alpha, developed by one teenage dude that already abandoned this game only to pick it up again after few months. He might do this again (I don't think he plan to but I guess that he also didn't plan to abandon it in 2016) so if you really want this game just wait for some 1$ bundle or -95% discount. With history of rocky development and in its current state the game is not worth its current price (9,99€).

Also, look at the reviews. Most people got their keys from bundles - this is why overall score for the title is MIXED. It would be Mostly Negative but you have to buy the game directly from steam to be included in 'User reviews' overall score.

The game is in something that I would call pre-alpha stage. For example: environments are empty, some textures are missing, AI is really, really bad (soldiers barely move, they won't try to hide behid the cover during fight; in fact they will stand motionless in front of their enemies and exchange fire, really exciting), animations are broken, just like optimization and many other things.

I don't want to bash this game but in it's current state it should not be on steam. 'It is Early Access' you can say. Well yes, it is, but it's been there from at least over a year. You see, this game started as 'Lost World'. It was supposed to be multiplayer title but at some point thing went south. The developer went on some kind of war with community and eventually decided to abandon his game. Few months passed and he decided that he actually wants to finish it - he picked it up and restarted development, removing many features (like already mentioned mutliplayer) in the process.

I respect that he decided to try again BUT, as far as I know, the game is still being made by ONE teenage dude. We have no guarantee that he won't cease development again, leaving all potential buyers with unfished title. He addmited that he is busy (school and stuff) which means less time to work on the game. Unfortunatelly when he has time to work on it he seems to focus on adding stuff like ships on the sky (not interactable) instead of, I don't know, some kind of tutorial (might be useful when main menu is replaced with empty and boring hub where we can see our character in TPP) or at least AI that actually do something.
I wish him best but I don't belive that Lost World (aka LONE WOLF: Horizon) will ever be what he wants it to be. If he will ever finish it in first place.
Posted 26 March, 2017. Last edited 26 March, 2017.
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A developer has responded on 28 Mar, 2017 @ 9:06pm (view response)
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25.1 hrs on record (23.8 hrs at review time)
Jedna z moich ulubionych gier. Gra ma bardzo specyficzny klimat - szczególnie trafi do ludzi lubiących lata '80 i muzyke synthwave. Grafika, muzyka, szybki gameplay to największe zalety tej gry. Wady? Nie znalazłem.
Posted 27 November, 2016.
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22 people found this review helpful
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1.3 hrs on record (1.0 hrs at review time)
Choose what you want to say
Observe as different things are being typed

You can't even really play that 'game', and only thing you have to do is a mboring keyobard keys mashing.

'Artsy' waste of space. Do uou remeber when you was in middle or high school and you had a crush on that girl but you were to shy to act about it? Many people do. Do you remember how you thought that your crush is your big love and you will love her forever, even tho that you dodn't really know what love means? Maybe you do. Most of people grow up, and see this things in different light, they see how foolish their acts was and they move on. I did, it took me too much time, but I did. Unfortunatelly some sad losers are still dreaming, still hoping that their crush from middle school will be with them, even tho many years have passed. This game is about htis kind of people. I don't know if creator is some kind of sad 'beta boy' but this game is basically simulator of shy, cringy guy that can't get over one specific girl. Not like he deserves to be happy, since he is not even brave enough to say what he want to say.

If you want to relate to other people who, just like you, can't accept reality, you will probably like this game.

If you were shy, cringy boy but you actually growed up and can move on with your life, this will be a sad reminder of things you want to forget about.

If you weren't cringy, this is a loser simulator.

One way or another, this abomination isn't worth any time in it.

Shame it's free, I would love to refund it.
Posted 21 November, 2015.
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2.6 hrs on record
Everything about this abomination was already said, the pure and only purpose of this 'review' is only to lower this... thing ratings on steam.

It's sad that things like that make it to the shop. It's another example that quality control in valve doesn't exist.

My "time in 'game'" needed to beat it was around 30 minutes. I got it for free, I will use IM to get cards and then I will hide this thing in darkest corner of my library and hopefully forget about it. If you consider buying it, do it only on sale with 90% discount, to make a profit on cards. But you shouldn't because this will gave 'dev' some money and this might encourage him to create more abominatiations.
Posted 18 July, 2015. Last edited 19 July, 2015.
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1 person found this review helpful
1.2 hrs on record
Don't buy this. DB has nothing to offer. Its short, boring, and feels unfinished. I have played better games that was created on game jams. Also it can give you epilsepsy (not even kidding, this games should have some kind of warning, because it may end bad for ill people).

I get it for free. If you will have that chance - don't. Its not worth it.
Posted 18 January, 2015.
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2 people found this review helpful
1.3 hrs on record

I get it for free, but now I know i will hide this game in dephts of my library and try to forget about it. It's some kind of abomination. And i mean it.

Anyway, I always try to give game a chance, and MAYBE I will try one more time with this thing but i can tell there is nothing that would convince me to recomend this trash to anyone. I mean really, i would rather be slave of this fat persons from the begining that talk someone into wasting money on this crap.

It is painfull to look at. Music is painfull too. I can bet that whole concept of this thing is to make something crappy and weird and hope that someone will think this is some kind of milestone for games or something like artsy experience. I don't know, I think devs decided to sell sh*t wrapped in shiny paper. Too bad even paper isn't shiny.

All reviews on store page are like "it's so unique, play it; it's great but no one can see it; it's different". Hmmm... well... the comunity has spoken, and as we know from recent Kotaku fun times, people who write this reviews mostly have some sexual desires and sometimes devs try to fullfill them.

If you didnt understand i said that this game is so bad that someone must have give head to reviewers for this kinda positive notes.

Anyway, sorry for my english. I practically don't write reviews but this game is so bad i had to did this.
Posted 28 October, 2014.
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