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Đánh giá gần đây bởi Ucklin

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3 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
1.7 giờ được ghi nhận
Đánh giá truy cập sớm
An amazing mess, just like Sburb should be. In some ways, it’s not a very playable game, but that’s mostly Homestuck’s fault. I experienced so much glee getting to see the iconic moments of sburb play out for real! :D it’s worth dropping in and messing around with your friends if you are a fan or ex-fan.
Đăng ngày 14 Tháng 04, 2022.
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42.9 giờ được ghi nhận (14.2 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
Đánh giá truy cập sớm
Noita is a wonderful combination of systems-based gameplay and well-balanced roguelike conventions! Almost every run has made me go "Darn, my loadout was so cool that time!" Some roguelikes can make it discouraging to start a new run after the disappointment of losing, but this one never has.

The other thing I like it is how the world itself seems to become an unexpected puzzle. There is more to it than there seems to be! Highly recommended, especially if you experienced the pure joy of making STUFF interact in the powder game or similar.
Đăng ngày 26 Tháng 03, 2020.
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