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1.2 hrs on record
Early Access Review
So far it looks good. Keep going and make a game like the frist AI War ;) The music is already awesome!
Posted 26 November, 2018.
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3.6 hrs on record
I first bought 'Super Hexagon' and because I liked the basics of that game I also got this little game here (and it was on sale for 50ct...).


It took a while to get the background of the name. Six 'V' ? Why? But I think it is judt because in the game you have to rescue your crew after you spaceship crashed and everyone was sprayed over the map. It's an simple 2D jump and run game or no, that's wrong. It is not just a jump and run game and it is defenetly not simple. The mechanics are simple, you have a character (the captain) and you can move (left and right arrowkey) and reverse the gravety (spyce or one of the other arrows). That's it. There is a world you have to explore and you have to find the rest of the crew. Back to the name :) all crew member names are starting with a 'V' all together (you + five you have to find) six 'V's. If there is an other explenation for the Name, please let me know.
The game has it's own charm. The simple grafics, the oldschool music (which is really good) and the simple gameplay are fitting together very well. And death are not bad. They are normal in this game. During the 2h campain you will die a couple of times ( I reached over 1000 times, a friend over 1500 times), so don't be frustrated if you don't get one of the extra points, just move on. And if you have really problems, you can turn down the gamespeed so you have more time to react, nice idea to do it this way, so everyone can go on without leaving anything.
I would not buy it for the normal 5$, but if you see it on sale...get it! ;)
Posted 6 January, 2014.
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4.4 hrs on record (2.5 hrs at review time)
If you just want to relax a little bit and play a little game without have to concentrate, don't even think of this game. But if you just want a short difference to your daily doing and like electo musik and have good eyes and quick fingers and maybe can play games without getting frustrated too fast, than you can try this little game.

It is, i would say, a normal action minigame. You play it for about 20min and than you are so frustrated that you never want to touch it again. But you will, I promise. You are not able to play it longer than 20min at ones, because you can't concentrate that long. you have to be there 100% to get more than 5 sec of playing...yes you heard right seconds.

The gameplay is very simple. You are a little triangle which you can move with the right and left arrowkey around a polygon. From all sides are comming lines that you don't allowes to touch. That was it...ah, and that in an insane speed :)
but it's better than you think, try it...I really recommend you this 'game'...

I finished now the first two of six stages (you finish them when you stay alive longer than 60sec) and I will get the other ones too, some day...but never more than half an hour a day, you can't stand this.
Posted 4 January, 2014.
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48 people found this review helpful
31.8 hrs on record (22.5 hrs at review time)
This is one of the best games of the last years.

AI War: Fleet Command is a strategy game which you will love. Building your econemy, your ships (lots of ships; if you say, I'll attack with 400 ships, there are really 500 ships on the map...and you need them), creating your tactics and win against the AI...or lose. Sounds normal? This game has some more stuff than other games...or better, it is doing everything a bit different. It is relativ hard to get into the game. But after one, two, three houres of playing you get it (hotkeys, fight mechanics, etc. ). And than it gets really good.

The 'story' behind this fighting is, that AI populations have taken the world we know (or better the universe) and the human species has to recover and fight back. Every solarsystem is to capture, because the AI got everything, so you have to fight from the beginning. 'War is not fair' are the introducing words of that game. And that's true. The AI got reinforcement out of nowhere, but that's not a minus for the game, because that's how it works. You get better, the AI too, so get some friends and play it coop, it is much more fun to tell someone how unfair it is, that the AI is sending again 600 bombers to you homeworld ;) and it is impossible to beat the AI alone on higher difficulties.

For these who don't like micro-strategy, just take everything you have and click on the enemy. They have so many livepoints, that you have to concentrate you fire always on one ship of thair ships, so it's not that important which ship is where, just that it is in combat :). Or you have the option to play as a champion. Than you have no base, just one big ship which gain lvl and better weapons over time, so you have to care about nothing than your 'hero' (a little RPG in strategy).

But the other are right, be warned: This game is huge. You play normaly over 7 houres on one campain. If you play with friends on bigger maps, it can take over 20h, so be sure to have enougth time.

And...If you like soundtracks, buy it! Don't think about the game...this Music is epic, you can listen to it for hours and there are so beautiful songs between (AncientShadows, Cries of Zenith are my favorites ;) ) ...amazing...(with the expensions there are over 5.5h music)

So if you like space strategy games or really good musik buy that game...and on sale day like now (the holiday sale) it is nearly for free. (I would recommend to buy the expensions too (the collection))
Posted 31 December, 2013. Last edited 6 April, 2014.
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1,238.5 hrs on record (1,112.5 hrs at review time)
I don't know why, but this game...IS THE BEST GAME THAT WILL EVER BE THERE!!!!

Grafic, Sound, Atmosphere, Gameplay, Community...everythings perfekt...and free to play? I really don't know why there are people outside who don't play this game...

It's still an amazing game. But after a 1k more hours in it I have to say, the uninstall button is helpful as long as you are capable to press it. For me it is to late, and also for the 10-15 others I sucked into the game. I think I destroyed a part of social life of a lot of people when I started that game. I will keep playing and I still recommend DotA 2 to others, but keep in mind: The fun shall be the first purpose to play a game ;)

ed: two days later, i uninstalled...

I like you all, but get back to life.
Posted 2 July, 2012. Last edited 22 January, 2023.
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