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144.6 hrs on record (144.5 hrs at review time)
Absolute masterpiece. A work of art and passion. Takes the best of persona, mixes a great fantasy world, a solid story and handles progression, character growth and narrative controversies wonderfully.
Posted 31 October, 2024.
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150.2 hrs on record (134.9 hrs at review time)
the best videogame that has ever been created among all videogames. Also the game with the most attention to detail and care that has ever been created. No doubt whatsoever.
Posted 15 October, 2023.
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88.5 hrs on record (86.2 hrs at review time)
One of the most polished and fun games to come out this year.
It's fun to play, it's fun to fail, it's fun to succeed and it's also fun to talk to the NPCs and progress their side quests.
The progression feels great and even if you die at some point, you never feel like you've wasted time. There's always a weapon to try or a new reward to get. It also scales very well and allows for incredibly fun combos, each time different.
Great game.
Posted 25 November, 2020.
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12.5 hrs on record (8.8 hrs at review time)
The amazing original game, revised for a 2019 release. Graphics, QoL improvements, multiplayer servers, everything they did enhances the game and doesn't change what it is at its core: a magnificent RTS, one of the best there ever has been.
Posted 17 November, 2019.
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256.4 hrs on record (254.6 hrs at review time)
Best among the souls-like, it adds loot galore and incredible replayability to the souls formula.

Not only that, but the game is very deep and if you want to do everything, you have to learn and make use of all the mechanics. That, along with the flexibility of builds it allows, makes for an endless game where the fun is in the gameplay itself and in the ways you can find new ways of playing.
Posted 29 June, 2019.
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188.3 hrs on record (0.3 hrs at review time)
A piece of my heart will always be with this game.

Of the multiple thousand hours played, I will always love my time spent in Vana'diel.
Posted 27 November, 2017.
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73.9 hrs on record (64.6 hrs at review time)
I can most definitely recommend this game to anyone interested to a good JRPG.

Graphics & Art Style

It does look decent enough on PC. Not as good as huge engines, but it is very serviceable, light and can probably run on a toaster.

The style used looks good and allows the game to look nice and will probably age well, kinda like Vesperia.

Anime cutscenes are pretty awesome and very well made, a nice step forward compared to previous Tales of games.

A special mention for the Music/OST, as it's just amazing and probably the best soundtrack I've had the pleasure to play with for the past 10 years.

During my playthroughs there were absolutely no occasions where I'd just want to turn off music, whereas in other games it eventually comes down to that.

Gameplay is pretty nice. Might seem overwhelming at first, but normal/simple difficulty settings do not really punish you so you can learn the Fusion stuff at your pace and still progress within the story.

Once you get the hang of it though, it's a very huge and flexible system that allows you to customize your characters however you wish.

Story & World
The setting and environment is very well established throughout the whole game, and with bits and pieces here and there, the story never feels overwhelming.

Actually, as far as the storyline goes, all we're given are indications, sometimes pressing due to urgency, but most of the times we have a guideline to follow, and that's really how it should be, considering this is supposedly an open world game.

I absolutely loved the side-quest system. As you run around the game, you might find some interesting dialogues. At that point, if it's anything interesting, you can further expand on them by talking to your companion, and then you'll have the option to follow through and complete.

There's no stupid quest log, exclamation marks or other crap to mark it a quest, one of the worst additions of the past 10 years (Thanks WoW!).

It all feels very natural and flows within the game without any issue whatsoever. I had no trouble getting all the sidequests done, at my pace and time, without having to check any quest logs or anything else.

As the story gets to its ending, we're given a decent ending and a follow-through DLC episode (for free if you snag it by Nov 18).

Conclusion / tl;dr
Overall I like what they've done with the setting, story and everything game wise. It's not perfect, but it's still one of the best JRPGs I've played in a long while.

Sure, there are many disputes about many things, but it's still quite worth playing (and I disagree with many of said disputes. Just ignore them, some people have way too much time and nothing to do).
Posted 5 November, 2015. Last edited 5 November, 2015.
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18.3 hrs on record (16.9 hrs at review time)
Portal 2 is not just a refined version of the awesome Portal, it's so much more and it'd be a sin not to play it, both single player and co-op mode. Fun, entertaining and has some of the best and most fun quotes you'll ever hear.
Posted 4 July, 2011.
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