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2 people found this review helpful
0.9 hrs on record
Simple story, perfect execution.
Besides chapter names and phone calls with mom, the game tells its story purely through visuals and mouse movements. Very creative and amazingly well done.

I couldn't think of a better way for a new studio to enter the gaming scene and I can't wait for whatever game they release next.
Posted 6 July, 2023.
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4.8 hrs on record
Outstanding audiovisual journey, I can't recommend it enough!
Posted 5 January, 2023. Last edited 5 January, 2023.
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4.9 hrs on record
Time to beat: ~4 hours (highly dependant on your reading speed)
Lena's soundtrack is amazing, as any sane person would expect. The visuals beautifully accompany and enhance the story.
It takes a bit of time for the story to really start, but stick around a bit. Before you know it, you feel like you're hanging out with your best friends that you've known your whole life. I won't spoil what happens next, but oh boy, does this game go totally wild!

I know it's not for everyone. It's actually closer to reading a book than playing a game, unless you happen to play MUDs ;)
Unique experience, story that makes you shiver, likeable and memorable characters. The less you know about the game before you play it, the better.
Just... go play the game. It's 4€ and 4 hours.
Posted 5 January, 2023.
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1 person found this review helpful
16.1 hrs on record (15.1 hrs at review time)
This is 100% Quantic Dream's best game yet and I can't wait for the studio's next game.

The game takes ~15 hours per play-through.

I'm a sucker for this game's visuals. I'm not just talking about graphics, I mean the cinematography the game has. Just like Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls, the game has an incredibly cinematic feel to it. You often can't tell whether you're in a cutscene or not and I simply love that. You are a film maker in control of a camera, you choose how you want to see the story and as a bonus you even get to choose how the story plays out (seriously, the amount of endings and meaningful choices this game has is very impressive).

Story-wise, amazing, as long as you don't replay the game multiple times. It reveals a few plot holes and plot conveniences. Just play the game, maybe come back to it a while later if you really want to replay it. Don't replay it because the game says so, it really isn't <bold>that</bold> perfect. Beyond that, the story is really captivating and makes you question yourself what's right and wrong. There are even real-world parallels.
Without spoiling anything, there are 3 story lines, all very enjoyable and well executed. At the start, I enjoyed Markus' story the least, but it quickly became my favourite as it started moving forward.

As with Heavy Rain and Beyond, you should play the game with a controller. It was designed for being played with a controller and keyboard+mouse controls were only added for the PC port. A controller really does improve the overall experience.
Posted 4 January, 2023.
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1 person found this review helpful
361.1 hrs on record (355.7 hrs at review time)
The devs just keep on givin'!

Multiple times has Re-Logic said "this is the last update" and yet here's a crossover event. I simply love the support this game gets.

Now the game will actually stop getting updates at some point, sure. But man is this worth playing and experiencing. The game has an incredible amount of content already and that's not even mentioning the available mods.
Since 1.4 which added falling leafs, the game looks astonishing and extremely immersive despite its pixelart aesthetics.
The soundtrack is groovy, fitting and you'll be missing out if you turn it off.
If you're still not sure whether to pull the trigger on this game, please just give it a try. You will not regret it. 10€ at full price is a steal. The game is definitely better with friends, but still incredibly fun even when playing alone. Here's a video review to hopefully get you interested.
Posted 28 November, 2021. Last edited 28 November, 2021.
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2 people found this review helpful
11.2 hrs on record (10.5 hrs at review time)
Man, what an experience!
Don't worry, I won't spoil anything.

If you can, be sure to crank the Texture Detail to max. It doesn't really affect performance as long as you have enough video memory and it makes the game look stunning. The level of detail put into Senua is astonishing, you don't want to miss that.
USE HEADPHONES! I can't stress this enough. Just do it. The voices, the tiny little sound details, the soundtrack during fights. It is all way better with headphones and decent volume.
Skip the stone obelisks. More on this in the "Game as a whole" section.

I played through the entire game on Linux with minor performance loss and some instances of delayed audio. Nothing too terrible, but it could be better.

Game as a whole:
The story was very different from what I've ever experienced. Senua's voices are a very unique way to see into a character's head. I won't say more to not spoil anything.
The game's soundtrack is very fitting. My favourite track by far was "Surtr", it got stuck in my head for a few days. Pretty much every time there's a more serious fight, the music makes you feel like an absolute boss.
As I mentioned in the recommendations, this game looks extremely good. Senua is very detailed, the environments are too.
(Controls) The game doesn't really explain anything, there are no on-screen button prompts. Thankfully, a quick glance into the Pause Menu reveals all the buttons and their actions. Personally I'm pretty fond of this as seeing button prompts can be a bit immersion-breaking for some people.
The fighting mechanics take a bit of getting used to. I liked the fights at first, then I hated them and when I finally figured things out, I loved them. I want to replay the game just for the fights.
The puzzles were actually pretty darn fun. That's all I'll say about those. They were pretty damn good.
The only thing I didn't like were the stone obelisks. There are these stone obelisks in the game. They retell Norse mythology. Plus if you find them all, you get an achievement. IMHO, these murals just take you out of the story and they are not very fun to find. The way the game saves progress makes it so that if you miss one, you can't go back without replaying the game from the start. This would make it extremely frustrating if you are seriously trying to get the achievement. Please, don't bother, it makes the game infinitely more annoying.
Posted 22 April, 2021.
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8.3 hrs on record
The game was really annoying to play (the puzzles were quite annoying, often very unclear and badly designed). The camera also gets really annoying to deal with. When the players get too far away from each other, the game doesn’t allow the players to move any further from each other. It is terribly optimized, the netcode is bad (It wasn’t uncommon to see teleporting and glitching through objects), sometimes the loading of the levels would screw up and it would load into the same level instead of the next one. The game crashed about 3 times in my playthrough. I actually finished the game just so I could give it a negative review.
EDIT: Forgot to mention the terrible controls and the awful physics puzzles.
Posted 11 May, 2020. Last edited 11 May, 2020.
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32.9 hrs on record (0.9 hrs at review time)
So far amazing! Waiting for the next episode!
Posted 23 November, 2018.
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31.5 hrs on record (6.4 hrs at review time)
AMAZING!!! This game is just limitless!
Posted 24 November, 2017.
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9.8 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Strašný, když jsem tuto hru začal hrát, bylo to super. Teď po milionech aktualizací je z toho jen hodinové načítání hry a nulová hratelnost, kvůli nedostatku hráčů, PayToWin je samozřejmost. Chápu, beta verze, ale dříve to bylo lepší.
Posted 5 June, 2015.
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