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Recent reviews by Nocturni

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68.3 hrs on record (36.6 hrs at review time)
Have always been wary of DS3 just because from the small parts I'd touched or seen felt like they ventured too far from the brilliance and feelings of DS1. Clearly I didn't give it a fair chance. While it definitely doesn't overtake the original, it is still very much worth playing if that mindset sounds at all familiar. Very aware of the fact that I'm extremely late to the party - but - if you're anything like me and have had it sitting in your library, forever untouched, launch up and watch the hours fly by.
Posted 17 March, 2020.
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605.1 hrs on record (324.2 hrs at review time)
Every major DLC launch has one upped the last, and with the base game now being ftp there's no longer an excuse to not give it a shot. If you're ever considered buying there has never been a better time than right now!
Posted 6 November, 2019.
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5.9 hrs on record (5.9 hrs at review time)
Totally lives up to the splash it made when it came out (jeez) 4 years ago. It's incredibly charming and I found myself laughing in this far more than I expected too, not to mention that the way that it handles combat is something that has yet to be replicated or have any other property come anywhere close to it's originality in this department especially. If you're an indie game fanatic and have run out of things in your library consider backtracking a little and picking up a not so hidden gem.
Posted 3 July, 2019. Last edited 28 November, 2019.
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