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20.7 hrs on record (8.6 hrs at review time)
The patch that reduced the monster's chances to Death's Door has made this game dramatically less infuriating.
Posted 10 May, 2023. Last edited 14 May, 2023.
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2.9 hrs on record
Game is bugged and literally unplayable. First tomb has a rappel, but after you drop off the rock you can't go any farther making it so that you can't swing to the other side since you just run into the wall. Absolutely crazy. Trying to refund since this makes the tomb impossible to complete and I can't imagine future ones are going to work any better.
Posted 5 January, 2023. Last edited 5 January, 2023.
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1.3 hrs on record
To be honest, I'm kind of shocked right now.

TLDR: I go into a lot of details, but overall 7 brings nothing to the table that 6 doesn't already do better. And the graphics are really terrible. Thanks to Steam's new refunds I'd recommend checking it out for yourself, but personally I'm going to be refunding this.

I've played every Heroes of Might and Magic game since 4 and I always look forward to the next iteration. They've had their ups and downs over the years, but each game has changed the gameplay in a refreshing manner while still sticking true to what we've come to know and love about the series (for the most part). Sadly, 7 falls FAR short of this.

First off the biggest and most upsetting part of the game that struck me right off: the art. This is 2015. Games are coming out each looking more beautiful and amazing than the last. And yet this game looks like it came out 10 years ago. You start the campaign to horribly low poly 3D models that they were even too lazy to even animate. The 2D drawings that introduce the individual factions campaigns looks better than this horrific series of still shots of 3D models. In game, the art is all much lower quality than it was in 6 as well, I even booted it back up afterwards just to make sure it wasn't my imagination. I'm running both games on High and it's night and day between the two games with 6 easily looking far better.

But gameplay is what really matters at the heart of things. I was willing to overlook the shockingly poor art quality if the game at least played well. It doesn't.

I started on the Dungeon campaign since they're my favorite faction (YAY, they're not DLC this time!) and was insantly disapointed that everything looks exactly as if I were playing Heroes 6 (minus the crappy art of course). The buildings your heroes interact with are all identical in appearance and functionality, most everything seems completly reused. Navigation is the same as always as is town manegment (although more on that in a bit). My first hero leveled up easily thanks to a 1k exp shrine and I was taken to the talent wheel to pick a new skill. Selection seems to be drastically down from the customization you had in 6. I can't comment on this too much though since I never got a hero to level 3 to select more than one new skill.

Combat is identical to 6. Heroes behave exactly the same, attacking or using a spell once per turn. Troops act based off of initiative and use luck and morale identically. In fact the only difference I noticed at all in combat was that the game lied to me and told me that my units wouldn't be retaliated against when, in fact, they were causing me to lose half my assassin stack. However, unlike in 6 there's no rewarding audio or animation on attacks. Your units just sluggishly walk around the board and half-assedly wack your opponents with no real impact. A large part of this is likely the lack of any real good audio cues possibly, but combat just seemed really dull and boring.

So back to town manegment. Town screens are animated and look decent so that fiasco from 6 didn't repeat itself. I do have to say that the town screen is actually quite beautiful. The Dungeon town is by FAR the best looking art I saw in the game, if only the rest of the game had recieved the same treatment as this. I'm not a fan of the building upgrade UI, but that's pretty minor.

Oh and Inferno fans? Your faction was removed, so if you don't like playing the other factions you should probably steer clear. Maybe they'll get the DLC treatment that Dungeon got in 6, but considering how much outrage that recieved I'm pretty shocked they did it again. On second thought, maybe it's not actually that surprising.

So to wrap everything up, ultimately to me 7 feels like a DLC extension to 6. The game looks the same (only worse), plays the same, and just doesn't seem to do anything that 6 isn't already doing just as well if not better. The game also performs far worse on my computer for some reason, averaging around 20 FPS at High as opposed to the 50 FPS I get on High with 6. The lack of Inferno as a faction is incredibly annoying and if it ends up being DLC as well it just seems incredibly greedy. I'm going to be refunding the game and sticking to 6 since it just seems like a better game to me.
Posted 29 September, 2015. Last edited 1 October, 2015.
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77 people found this review helpful
15.1 hrs on record (4.9 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I've been dissapointed by a lot of Early Access games. This is most certainly not one of them. If you're a fan of either Rogue-likes or Tower Defense then you're going to enjoy this game. The Alpha is currently very short (only the 1st 3 levels of the dungeon) and has lots of features still to be implemented, but it's already a blast to play. I can't wait to be able to play with all the currently locked features.
Posted 11 December, 2013.
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21.9 hrs on record
If you're into turn-based strategy, this is a must play! It's very similar to Valkyrie Chronicles (except you don't actually make the unit's shot) and the out of combat management is a bit more in depth. So much fun.
Posted 22 December, 2012.
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2.6 hrs on record
Really enjoyable puzzle game, the style of the game is simply amazing.
Posted 19 July, 2012.
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57.0 hrs on record (56.8 hrs at review time)
Beautiful. Quite possibly the most enjoyable city building game I've ever played.
Posted 19 February, 2012.
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Showing 1-7 of 7 entries