Pogoat   Kansas City, Missouri, United States
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Imkihca 23 Thg12, 2016 @ 2:39pm 
love-colored master spark 21 Thg08, 2014 @ 9:37pm 
From the second I saw them talking about a cheer-leading routine I knew it was coming. Everything I had been hoping for, this whole anime season, no my whole life was leading up to this very point. The second it began I showed no emotion, my eyes were glued I was perplexed and amazed. The meaning of life and the entire history of man and the universe and everything before and after flashed before my eyes. It was the most amazing experience of my life. After it ended I looked to the floor and noticed I was now in midair, hovering five feet above the ground. I have no need for worldly possessions. I know everything and need nothing. I completely understand the universe. I have reached Lucky Enlightenment.
love-colored master spark 21 Thg08, 2014 @ 9:37pm 
I'll never forget the last episode of Lucky Star. I had been waiting for so long for them to do the dance. I was patiently sitting, waiting, knowing it was coming. It was all I had left. Now, finally I have experienced it. I no longer have any need for anything in life. My life is complete. I have reached a level of enlightenment beyond nirvana or any so called inner peace. After waiting for over twenty four weeks I have finally been able to experience the greatest moment in the history of anime, no mankind, the enhanced Lucky Star dance. I was sweating the whole episode, I knew it was coming, I could feel it. It was calling to me; I could feel its force telling me it was coming. It wanted me and I wanted it.
Krissy 18 Thg07, 2012 @ 8:56pm 
You need a user icon. Where's something cute and fluffy!