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1.1 hrs on record
Great fun for a while with friends. Even has a couple single player levels but consider this a local multiplayer-only game. Has some quirks too which causes me to not recommend this at full price. The dash-against-a-wall-and-bounce-backwards feature is super annoying and makes you lose track of your position instantly. The level editor is broken: if you modify your own level only the additions are saved but removals are lost causing a broken mess of a level. Overall fun little indie game made clearly with love and passion for games.
Posted 7 March, 2017.
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350.1 hrs on record (141.5 hrs at review time)
Hyvä peli on juu
Posted 16 September, 2016.
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1.7 hrs on record
First impressions as a casual gamer: unintuitive, ugly, confusing.

The tutorial is horrible. I played the second part of the tutorial four times and I still couldn't get my ship in orbit. There's only a small textbox that says you need to press a button and then warp there, but that button is nowhere to be found.

The game's UI and graphics are directly from the late 90's. This could be a great game if you had several hours to waste in just learning the basics and watching youtube video tutorials.

As a casual gamer I really can't recommend this to anyone but hardcore gamers. Steam's two hour refund window is not nearly enough to know if you want to keep this game or not.
Posted 28 October, 2015.
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8.3 hrs on record (4.8 hrs at review time)
Finally a game I can play with my girlfriend! A fantastic and really well put together game. My only gripe with it is that it's too short. We are 3 hours in and about half way through the campaign :( I would gladly pay for more levels!
Posted 4 October, 2015.
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35.7 hrs on record (33.1 hrs at review time)
I really enjoyed AC4 and it's surely the best of the series so far. The naval combat and exploration add some much needed variety to the gameplay. I bought the game for 7.5 euros and it was totally worth the money.

+ Some of the best graphics I've ever seen (GTX 970)
+ Naval combat and upgrading your ship
+ Very little out-of-animus gameplay
+ Lots of gameplay variety for an AC title
+ Beautiful animations with a lot of variety
+ Tons of exploration and side activities

- Short main story and all the interesting characters get killed too early. You can probably finish the story in less than 8 hours so do yourself a favour and spend some time on the side missions too.

- There are a million ways to obtain money but nothing to spend it on. You can buy the best weapon in game during the first chapter. Upgrading your ship costs a lot but there's no need to upgrade your ship if you just play the story.

- Fighting is too easy: you don't really have to sneak around because you can easily kill any number of emenies in combat even with the starting weapons.

- Poor character customization options just like in the previous titles.

- Side activities get boring really fast. It can take over 100 hours to complete everything the game has to offer but in the long run it's not very fun to wander around for no reason collecting pointless animus fragments and chests full of money you don't need.

- Some VSync issues. The game tends to lock to 30FPS while using VSync in GPU intensive areas. You can solve the problem in Windows 7 by pressing Ctrl-Alt-Del and then alt-tabbing back to the game. That way your FPS won't lock to 30 and there's still no screen tearing.

+ Overall it's a great game but it won't keep you entertained for very long. I totally recommend it.
Posted 29 December, 2014. Last edited 29 December, 2014.
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