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1 person found this review helpful
51.1 hrs on record
It starts out fun but drops off a cliff once the game stops feeding you with stuff through the main story and side quests. After that the only way to progress is to farm dailies and abyssal dungeons in order to get the materials needed to craft the books you need to continue upgrading your skills. If you do the math, the amounts you need is staggering.

The world bosses are a joke. Only the top damage dealers get anything worthwhile out of it. Good luck doing them with a lot of people at a time.

Coop dungeons have ... mechanics. I refuse to call them hard. The difficulty only stems from them being unintuitive, untelegraphed and partially hidden. The matchmaking is broken most of the time and building a party with the partyboard is like pulling teeth. That dialogue cannot even remember what you put there in the first place. So if you just want to edit the group's description you have to fill out everything again. Oh and you better watch a video guide of any dungeon you want to do because most people you meet in those dungeons are touchy minmaxing sweatlords who will either flame you or leave outright if you don't run along the pixel perfect optimized route. Dear god, don't even dare to aggro one additional mob that is normally skipped.

All of the content I've mentioned before is gated. The dailies (resistance contracts) require so called contract rights of which a certain amount replenishes daily. The abyssal dungeons require a different type of contract rights which replenish daily to a certain degree. You can do the coop dungeons as often as you want but you can only roll on loot from the final chest by using another currency which (you are probably guessing it) replenishes daily for a certain amount.

The game features so called 'dynamic events' but these aren't dynamic at all. There is an actual timetable on the map when each of them will take place. All of those events are the same. Kill any mob in the area, collect things, turn in things and get ... nothing of note.

The game tries to push you into a guild real hard and has an obsession with PvP. World bosses or events can have PvP active. Abyssal dungeons become PvP zones at night. Guilds can even force a PvP zone during the day by using a guild skill that causes an eclipse. If you are not riding the bleeding edge, you will get steamrolled by those who do. Must be a Korean thing.

Final verdict: Spend your time playing better games.
Posted 19 October, 2024.
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8.4 hrs on record (7.4 hrs at review time)
I only recommend this game if you are interested in the campaign and only while it is on sale!

I don't really get this game at all. The production quality is top notch but sadly it seems to be abandoned now. There are quite a few bugs left that will probably never be fixed. Multiplayer didn't seem active but I didn't really try. I bought it entirely for the campaign and it was well worth the 4 bucks. The campaign is quite good but way too short. I mean, it's 15 missions for all three factions combined. I played the game on medium difficulty and it was almost too easy, the 'hard' parts were not hard but annoying.

I took me about 7.5 hours to complete it. Any time more than that is me waiting for the last cards to drop. Yes, I managed to finish the game before all trading cards could be issued ...
Posted 15 September, 2024.
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13.6 hrs on record (12.2 hrs at review time)
The good things about this game first: It looks beautiful.

Unfortunately, the good things end there. The game has almost no narrative structure. Half the time you don't know where you have to go next. Your character and that annoying sidekick always pretend to know the dude you are looking for or at least know where he/she/it is but still don't mark it on your map. The story being a complete cluster♥♥♥♥ doesn't help.

The game world is huge. That's theoretically a good thing but the amount of backtracking you have to do here is from another world. You can only port between certain locations for free while the other available options cost a consumable item. That combined with constantly feeling lost turned it into an unenjoyable experience.

The so called talent system feels like it's not doing anything. The weapon skills are either completely obnoxious to use in a fight or simply do not have any additional effect worth mentioning. You can just spam attack all game anyway. Oh and dodge not having an immunity frame was probably the dumbest decision I've seen in a while.

So before wasting your time here, I recommend getting Bloodstained or Sundered.
Posted 14 April, 2024.
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7 people found this review helpful
9.2 hrs on record
It's labeled as a soulslike game but while it borrows from that genre it doesn't really fit. You don't lose anything upon dying and the game is fairly linear, bascially impossible to get lost, no map needed. I played it on normal difficulty and it was almost too easy. All of your weapons hit like wet noodles unless you exploit elemental combos or hit weakspots with the right damage type. You can literally take down bosses with one magazine that way.

It was a short but enjoyable journey. Would I have bought it at the normal price? Not really. Totally worth it on sale, though.
Posted 7 April, 2024.
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11 people found this review helpful
22.0 hrs on record
I got the game in Humble Choice so I went into it blind. Essentially, it's a top down shooter. You liberate islands, gather resources in the process to upgrade your ship and weapons. The story is nothing spectacular and feels rushed in some parts but works, I guess. I liked my time in the game but I'm not sure I would have bought it for 20 bucks.

Note: While playing I noticed a few things that seemed off. Some menues made no sense because there was only one option in them. When looking up for tips or guides I got told about things like farming, herding livestock, producing materials on islands and having to defend those. Nothing of that happened in my game though.
Apparently, when moving from early access to 1.0 they cut quite a bit of content from the game. You can still access all that with the beta branch. Some people might prefer the more complete version (I have no idea what is missing in the beta branch as I didn't play it). A lot of the negative reviews are from former EA buyers who don't like the developer's decision to remove said content.
Posted 4 April, 2024.
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3 people found this review helpful
20.2 hrs on record
I got it in Humble Choice and was sceptical at first. The camera seemed to be annoying, holding down buttons instead of just pressing them once and pressing a button for each line of dialogue was a little irritating. However, after finishing the game and looking back I have to say it was a lot of fun. It's a hack and slash game and on (at least) normal difficulty, you can play it like that. Mash buttons and slaughter dozens of enemies in a spectacular manner ... and I kinda liked the story.

The visuals are not breathtaking but servicable. The game ran perfectly fine even from an HDD. I've been playing with a controller so I cannot say how good it is with mouse and keyboard.

I am not sure I would have bought it for the listed price though. I am probably not the ideal target audience. If you like spectacle fighters and are into replaying such a game for better chapter ratings, doing challenges and higher difficulties, maybe you should take a closer look.
Posted 31 March, 2024. Last edited 7 April, 2024.
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14 people found this review helpful
6 people found this review funny
11.9 hrs on record
Disclaimer: I got the game in Humble Choice, I have no clue about the Warhammer universe and I've never played Dawn of War before.

I don't really understand all the hate this game is getting. I enjoyed the campaign. If what you want is play a few missions and sit through a story, this game is not bad at all. My only critique is the price point. I would have never bought this game for the listed price and getting it in Humble Choice this early (it released last November) usually means that not many other people were willing to pay that much for it either.

If you like Warhammer or enjoy a good campaign and can pick this up for like 10 bucks, go for it.
Posted 26 March, 2024. Last edited 27 March, 2024.
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141.0 hrs on record (132.5 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
This is still early access while there are released and supposedly 'finished' games that have less content.

Oh and I'm shamelessly reviewing this for the Steam Award Nomination tasks.
Posted 1 March, 2024. Last edited 27 November, 2024.
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1 person found this review helpful
5.4 hrs on record
It feels like an endless series of QTEs with half a second reaction window. Most of the time, all your inputs are simply ignored and you just sit there an watch it play out until you are finally allowed to press a button again. In order to make things worse, you have to complete stupid objectives during a match. Without completing these, even if you win, you lose. Makes sense, right?
Posted 23 November, 2023. Last edited 23 November, 2023.
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15.4 hrs on record
Finally a visual novel with English voices! Took a bit longer to read than I would have anticipated but I enjoyed the ride.
Posted 10 October, 2023.
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