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1 person found this review helpful
4,714.0 hrs on record (4,224.8 hrs at review time)
Unique moba
Posted 1 October, 2021.
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121.8 hrs on record (94.7 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Super fun and unique game!
Posted 24 September, 2021.
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2,089.4 hrs on record (193.7 hrs at review time)
There's no game quite like this one. Really worth playing.
Posted 3 April, 2021.
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2 people found this review helpful
2,481.0 hrs on record (2,366.3 hrs at review time)
Timeless masterpiece! It's a shame valve has kinda abandoned it, but it's still a Timeless Masterpiece!
Posted 22 August, 2020.
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1 person found this review helpful
5,710.5 hrs on record (4,237.7 hrs at review time)
CS:GO Review
WARNING: Long rant-ish somewhat positive review of a player with over 4000 hours on CS:GO, please read everything to get a good picture of what I'm talking about.

1. the VAC system. it's simply not good enough to keep with the cheats that are being produced and updated by people. I've heard that PUBG updates it's anti-cheat system everyday to keep with cheats being updated and valve did actually try a few things ( prime for example ) to stop cheaters but it's not enough. There are literally people on youtube and twitch streaming how they're cheating. Not just 1 cheat though, they're using literally everything except for something obvious such as spinbot. People like these should get INSTA-banned but it just doesn't happen because the VAC system is to weak.
Solution: Hire more people to work on an anti-cheat, valve is a HUGE company with insane amounts of money that they are not willing to spend in order to improve their games.

2. The community. Probably the worst part about CS:GO is the community. CS:GO is a heavily teambased game but when I'm playing CS:GO I feel like we're just 5 solo players in 1 match. This is caused by all the people who do not speak english. Most of the time you're gonna get grouped up with russians friends ( It's NOT only russians ) who only keep talking russian to eachother which leaves you with no other choice than to mute them because you need in-game sound to play. Besides that, alot of people are very toxic and since you can team-kill eachother (this does have consequences if it happens to often ) things usually don't end very well. Though it's not just teamkilling, even people who are blatantly trolling teammates ( blocking, team damaging, team flashing, calling teammates positions ) almost NEVER get banned for griefing so they can just keep doing it without any consequences.
Solution: Make seperate servers for big groups of people to play on (Seperated by country for example) (if they want to) or find a way to get rid of griefers more effectively

3. 64 tick. If you don't play CS:GO you have no clue what 64 tick means but you're gonna have to look it up for yourself. Basically all standard matchmaking servers are 64 tick, sometimes this can affect the hitboxes. Eventough it doesn't happen that often it is very annoying when it does happen. Here are 2 prime examples of what I'm talking about: ( From my own gameplay )
There are third parties that offer a better CS:GO experience in terms of cheaters and hitboxes (128 tick) than official matchmaking which is pretty ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ sad in my opinion.
Solution: Make 128 tick servers for matchaking!

Now besides all the ranting I love(ed) CS:GO. If I didn't, I would not have spent 4000+ hours playing it but I'm really on the edge of quitting at the moment and that is really caused by these 3 problems.

Overal I would definitely recommend to buy CS:GO because it is and has been the best competetive game for years now (with CS source ETC) and has ALOT of potential.
Posted 22 March, 2016. Last edited 2 October, 2018.
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