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1 person found this review helpful
256.3 hrs on record (53.2 hrs at review time)
This is probably in one of my top 10 games. After the 1.0 launch, it improved even more due to the interesting story bits that pop up. Before it was an amazing automation and building game. Now it's that plus a bunch of humor and wit.

Can't recommend it more highly.
Posted 17 September, 2024.
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144.8 hrs on record (51.9 hrs at review time)
Very good game generally. I haven't been plagued with any of the technical difficulties it seems some have. The one thing I will say is the 10k puzzle boast is a bit of an exaggeration since invisible rings or cubes each count as a puzzle.

However, there's still a LOT to do. It's a fun chill game to just play around with for an hour of two each night. I've enjoyed it a lot with my partner, just roaming around solving puzzles.

Technically I got the game for free when they gave it away fro 24 hours before their offline update. That being said, now that I've played a bunch of it I think I would have paid for it anyway. I think it's worth the money.
Posted 26 July, 2024.
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23.4 hrs on record (23.3 hrs at review time)
I mean, it's an homage to the original FPS that does basically everything right. And it runs and looks great regardless of older hardware. Not much to not like.
Posted 2 July, 2024.
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4.3 hrs on record
Very fun co-op game. My only complaint is it could have been longer. But still, it felt complete and was great with a friend.
Posted 17 February, 2024.
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2 people found this review helpful
14.6 hrs on record (0.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Updated Review
My previous review was based on not even being able to play the game due to constant crashes. I sought help on the discord and disabled Frame Generation in video settings and it hasn't crashed since. So here's an actual review of the game.

I think I like this game. It's quite similar and yet different from Factorio which is one of my favorite games. If you're familiar with Factorio and like that style of game, Desyced is something you might want to check out. If you hate Factorio, you'll probably not like Desynced much. Here are however some of the differences I've noticed so far. Now granted, this is only after a handful of hours. I'll try to update this when I have closer to 100 in as most games like this don't really show their true colors right away.

So imagine the basic factory loop of Factorio, but replace belts with drones/vehicles and add a small amount of RTS into it. You're not a character walking around in the world, but you can make different types of robots instead who you can direct to build things, move things, or kill things (bugs). Also, instead of basic buildings that each has a specific purpose, Desynced is based off of generic buildings and vehicles who are mostly hollow and empty but can be filled with interchangeable parts that change what they can do. This means you don't just have an assembler building, you have an assembler part that can be added to a building. In fact, it could even be added to a vehicle. This makes the game already incredibly customizable and unique.

The other big difference is behaviors. In Factorio, there is circuit logic that you can use to change automation and do a lot of different things at a fairly low level. It's like assembly programming, but it's enough that you can do almost anything.. even write other games in it if you want. It's an aspect of Factorio that I enjoy, but you definitely don't have to touch it to really fully enjoy the game. Desynced is very different in this regard. I would say you could probably still avoid using it if you really wanted to, but it might become hard later on. What's more interesting is that the behavior stuff is all done in a visual programming language sort of similar to Unreal's Blueprint system. A series of nodes that attach to each other and run an actual program. It really is complete visual programming in a game. So if you like programming or want to learn some of it, this is a really neat game for that.

Also, the behaviors are also modules. You can place them inside of almost any unit, be it a vehicle that you instruct to drive around in a particular way or a building that you tell to request or move materials to build a supply line. I still don't have any idea how to do that properly yet and I'm sure there's a ton of resources out there for that, but figuring that part out is the big draw for me right now.

If you're a programmer who enjoys that sort of gameplay, you'll probably like Desynced. If you like factory games or RTS games, you may as well. I've only gotten into the beginning of the advanced tech tree so I'm still very early on, but so far, for an early access game, I like what I see. I'm looking forward to trying more out whenever I have time off.

Old Review
Well, I'm trying to get through the tutorial and the game has hard crashed 3 times so far. So I don't think I can recommend it just yet since I don't seem to be able to play it really.
Posted 7 December, 2023. Last edited 9 December, 2023.
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40.9 hrs on record (8.4 hrs at review time)
The Talos Principle 2 is to the Talos Principle as Portal 2 is to Portal. It took the game and elevated it to a surprising degree. I'm not done with it yet, but I am amazed by how good it is. Sometimes when you get a sequel you're left wanting; Like BioShock 2 compared to BioShock.

This is not the case with Talos Principle 2.

This is an amazing game. If they can do this after the first one, I hope they make a 3. And then a 4. I'm only on the 3rd section so far and already I get sad thinking that at some point I'll finish the game and it'll be over. I will savor each moment until then.
Posted 16 November, 2023.
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175.6 hrs on record (139.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Fun. Both alone and with other people. Would generally recommend with others though. I like the building aspect. It's not the complete freeform of minecraft using just blocks as it has actual walls, roofs, and such. Also building is interesting in that there's some structural integrity required; you can't just build things floating in mid-air. Also potions are mead and meat is important.

Overall, would viking agian.
Posted 27 October, 2023.
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1 person found this review helpful
36.4 hrs on record (8.1 hrs at review time)
Tried making a library in a haunted forest. All of the grazing animals died and so did most of the paper making plants. Needed to make parchment with cats.

Posted 7 December, 2022.
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848.1 hrs on record (17.0 hrs at review time)
This is a review of Master Duel as an implementation of a Yu-Gi-Oh duel simulator, not a review of the game of Yu-Gi-Oh itself (though I do find that to be positive as well). Too many reviews here are about the current meta, and not the software. I'm going to break this down to some Pros and Cons.

  • Fast and smooth gameplay
  • Card crafting system makes getting any card trivial
  • Dismantling unused cards for credits towards desired cards is great
  • Chain resolution visuals help understand what's going on a lot
  • The duel log solves a lot of issues with previous games with knowing what effects are going off and targeting what things
  • Starting Gems through F2P gaming is pretty generous
  • Can easily build a meta deck without spending any money
  • Animations and sound are a big plus. Has that hearthstone/arena feel.
  • Way less gatcha terribleness than Duel Links
  • Secret packs make it easier to get cards for a specific loved archetype
  • Crafting can open secret packs making it less of a random grind through master packs
  • Mates are cute and fun. You can also have a car as one which is weird.
  • Ban list is based off of (but different from) OCG, so for a TCG player it's a brand new meta that's fresh
  • Maxx 'C' is at 3

  • Master packs have most of the cards, which makes any individual pack generally not useful
  • Gems slow down after the start. Making one meta deck (with staples) isn't bad. Multiple meta decks will take a grind in f2p or require whaling.
  • Solo mode feels repetitive after a while. Some matchups are remarkably hard (final Gem-Knights battle)
  • No private or invite only rooms makes it harder to manage a local community (or for streamers).
  • Following someone (how the friend list works), doesn't let you just automatically spectate a duel they're in or see what they're doing in any meaningful way. It's lacking.
  • Ban list is a custom one based on OCG rather than letting the user choose OCG or TCG
  • Rumors of some summon from gy bugs during battle
  • Secret packs only last 24 hours
  • No side deck and all games are best of 1
  • Maxx 'C' is at 3
Overall thoughts
If you don't like Yu-Gi-Oh as it exists as a paper game, you probably won't like this game. It's current day meta, so higher tiers will involve hand traps, negates, board building and board breaking. It's very true to the actual game and has almost all of the cards made for it.

If you do like Yu-Gi-Oh, this is by far the best official way to play the game. It has a huge community, it's easy to get into, it's remarkably cheap compared to Duel Links or what I was expecting them to do. Getting a playset of Forbidden Droplet without spending a dime is remarkable if you play Yu-Gi-Oh in cardboard. While there are definitely some flaws, some fixable and others probably less likely, I still think this way surpassed my expectations for a Yu-Gi-Oh F2P game. It's really high quality and fun if you like Yu-Gi-Oh.
Posted 21 January, 2022.
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2 people found this review helpful
25.9 hrs on record (9.4 hrs at review time)
At first I thought this could be a relaxing sim/management game. I actually like the management part more than driving a tractor, but I can hire AI (for way too much, but meh), so I thought it could be fun. And it was fun for a bit..

Then I accepted a contract to cut grass and bale up hay. It was an expensive one, so I was looking forward to the reward. Got everything baled which took forever, then attached the bale hauler thing... and then the games physics are so bad at picking up hay bales that I went from relaxed to frustrated and angry.

Nope. This game is no longer fun. Just frustration and some buggy physics that completely took the enjoyment out of it. Unfortunate, as I think it could have been fun if not for the tediousness of it all.

Some additional notes that I would have let slide, but now are just annoying:

* In game help is terrible. It doesn't tell you how to do a lot of things. What equipment is used for what material isn't straight forward. Bought a fertilizer sprayer and some fertilizer and they didn't go together.. apparently I needed solid, but wasn't explained.
* Map Icons have no key. You see these blue map points, but no indicator on what each symbol means. Not in the help, not on the map.
* Contracts often don't even work. I got one to fertilize a field, it just said "This is someone else's field" and I wasn't allowed to do it. Failed the contract because the game is buggy.
* If you sleep at the end of the day, it switches to the next month. There's a setting to have a month last x number of days. I switched it to 3. Slept and the month switched. Now this is fine as it said the setting would apply in the next month.. slept again, the month switched again.. the setting apparently does nothing.
* AI will often get stuck if 2 are working on adjacent fields and they can't both turn around at the same time. They still charge you constantly, but stare at each other.
* Price charts have no labels on the vertical axis. So it's just relative prices I guess. However, they're also completely inaccurate. The range for canola in December is a low that is higher than the high for November. However, in December all of my prices were lower than they were for November. If the ranges overlapped, this would be possible, but they didn't giving me basically inaccurate information. Also, why no labels on the axis? Like, how much do they change? What's the max and min selling point for each season?
* Prices have no units. Just says "Sells for 2k" But like.. what amount is 2k? 1 grain? 1L? No info on this.

Feels like a rushed game missing a ton of usability features and has a lot of bugs. Mediocre at best.
Posted 5 December, 2021. Last edited 5 December, 2021.
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