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𝐉𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐲𝐧 24 jul. 2019 às 16:01 
🎫 ✦ 💗 ✦ ⚡ ✦ 🐛 ✦ 🎫 ✦ ⛳ ✦ 👳 ✦ 💃 ✦ 🍇 ✦ 📒 ✦ 🐊 ✦ 🍖 ✦ 🚗 ✦ 📗
Mulder: (to Boggs on Scully's disappearance).. Elvis in three
states every day.. and yet no one saw a pretty woman
being forced off the road in a rental car?

"The X-Files: Irresistible"

Scully: We eat fish and fish eat us.
Mulder: Are fish also known for eating half and saving half for

"The X-Files: Quagmire"
😺 ✦ 💙 ✦ 🎍 ✦ 📕 ✦ 👑 ✦ 🌏 ✦ 🌸 ✦ 🍆 ✦ 💛 ✦ 🔋 ✦ 🥞 ✦ 🐳 ✦ 🌂 ✦ 🎄
わε√iしeye 7 jun. 2018 às 2:42 
HARBINGER 6 jun. 2018 às 23:21 
Bhop macro machh
わε√iしeye 6 jun. 2018 às 8:22 
wai u hacc moi frand
๖jomac 3 jun. 2018 às 4:23 
v a c c
HARBINGER 3 jun. 2018 às 0:53 
Cannabis thirichu varum