Katowice, Poland
Silver I✔️
Silver II✔️
Silver III✔️
Silver IV✔️
Silver Elite✔️
Silver Elite Master✔️
Gold Nova I✔️
Gold Nova II✔️
Gold Nova III✔️
Gold Nova Master✔️
Master Guardian I✔️
Master Guardian II✔️
Master Guardian Elite✔️
Distinguished Master Guardian✔️
Legendary Eagle✔️
Legendary Eagle Master✔️
Supreme Master First Class✔️
The Global Elite
总时数 4,154 小时
最后运行日期:3 月 30 日
成就进度   105 / 156
总时数 2,973 小时
最后运行日期:3 月 29 日
总时数 0.5 小时
最后运行日期:3 月 25 日
成就进度   1 / 45
Evanya 1 月 24 日 上午 12:43 
Hey ma'am. I hope I'm not contacting at an inconvenient time, I need something from you. You see, I'm working on a project which studies human feet, I'm gathering pictures from different people, taking them under analyses, and making a special treatment for feet. I must do my researches perfectly, and the institution I'm working for said to me that the article must include at least a thousand samples. I'd really appreciate it if you could send some pictures of your feet. Keep in mind that:

Each picture must be at least 12 mega pixels.

Please send pictures from 4 different views, like from behind, front, up, sides, etc.

If you hurry it would be better, since they can just accept another project, and give up on me.

Sincerely, yours.
Hoffmistr™ 2024 年 11 月 2 日 上午 11:01 
-rep Dobrý den
nedávno jste nás na naší stránce www.zvetsenipenisu.cz kontaktovali s Vaším zájmem o naší službu.
Na Vaších fotografiích, které jste nám poslal, jsme bohužel nic nenašli, ale ve Vašem videozáznamu něco málo ano. Bohužel Vám s lítostí oznamujeme, že takovéto zázraky učinit nedokážeme. Děkujeme za využití našich služeb.
Naplopó 2023 年 11 月 11 日 下午 12:36 
-rep cheater
xDDeStRo 2023 年 7 月 24 日 上午 5:44 
First half not a bad player, secound half when they were losing alot. Best player in eu only hs :D little too obvious mate
B!MA.# 2023 年 4 月 7 日 上午 8:55 
pussykiller 2023 年 3 月 31 日 上午 7:45 
-rep sucker