Veldmaarskalk Smuts
Jan Christian Smuts   Western Cape, South Africa
Ons vir jou Suid-Afrika
Die Stem van Suid-Afrika/The Call of South Africa
Uit die blou van onse hemel,
Uit die diepte van ons see,
Oor ons ewige gebergtes
Waar die kranse antwoord gee.
Deur ons vêr-verlate vlaktes
Met die kreun van ossewa –
Ruis die stem van ons geliefde,
Van ons land Suid-Afrika.
Ons sal antwoord op jou roepstem,
Ons sal offer wat jy vra:
Ons sal lewe, ons sal sterwe –
Ons vir jou, Suid-Afrika.

In thy power, Almighty, trusting,
Did our fathers build of old;
Strengthen then, O Lord, their children
To defend, to love, to hold –
That the heritage they gave us
For our children yet may be:
Bondsmen only to the Highest
And before the whole world free.
As our fathers trusted humbly,
Teach us, Lord to trust Thee still:
Guard our land and guide our people
In Thy way to do Thy will.
Nylig aktivitet
1 824 timer totalt
sist spilt den 5. mars
0 timer totalt
sist spilt den 27. feb.
21 timer totalt
sist spilt den 27. feb.
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