I've been getting a lot of invites from phishing accounts lately so anyone with a new / private profile will be automatically blocked, sorry spammers.
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yuzy 24 Feb, 2024 @ 10:41am 
gameworks 18 Jun, 2021 @ 3:38pm 
HI, added for buying steam gifts.
(-SYS-) Francis 13 Mar, 2020 @ 11:56am 
Hello jang, add me to talk.
Lubricious 🛀🏿 Kaylani ✈ 14 Apr, 2019 @ 1:43pm 
Fry: 🍧 Nowadays 🐝 people 🏓 aren't 🚙 interested 💃 in 🥗 art 🚘 that's 😺 not 💛 tattooed 🐊 on 🌋 fat 🎽 guys.
One41 18 May, 2017 @ 11:20pm 
Hey. I am from steamtrades. Is Kingdom of Amalur up for trade? Do you take games inexchange for it? I have Guilty Gear 2X #Reload and Mortal Kombat Arcade Kollection[removed from steam store] but I also have other offers beside that
Nuuskamuikkunen 24 Aug, 2016 @ 7:57am 
Added for several games