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889.6 hrs on record (242.0 hrs at review time)
I just cannot stop…
Posted 31 October, 2019.
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0.2 hrs on record
Co to właściwie było?! I skąd to się wzięło w mojej bibliotece?

Na swój sposób… interesujące.

Najprawdopodobniej nic mnie to nie kosztowało, więc mogę polecić, ale pełnej ceny bym za to nie zapłacił.
Posted 2 February, 2016.
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46.3 hrs on record
It is a great game. It is not Civilization V and Civ V: BNW is probably still better than this one, but it doesn't make Beyond Earth a bad game.

– another good 4x game from the series (most of what we know and like about Civilization is here)
– the fresh new concept of affinities
– espionage more useful than in Civ V (though, still not as powerful as in the early games), as 3 agents are available early in the game
– less linear tech tree makes things more interesting (no need to always research the same set of techs)
– the AI theme is a nice thing, for those who like that

- AI still sucks. Is it me, or it even gets worse with every Civilization release?
– The new tech tree is confusing and not very readable
– Victory conditions quite repetitive (three different takes on the 'science victory')
– Little variety in the characters (sponsors) in the game – only a few of them to choose from and they are quite bland
Posted 2 February, 2016.
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2 people found this review helpful
3.3 hrs on record
Nice little puzzle-horror-platformer. Controls could be a bit better, but otherwise well done.
Posted 19 December, 2015.
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3 people found this review helpful
3.9 hrs on record
Buggy as hell. UI process would silently crash, so the game looks like running, but won't accept any input. A regular crash would not be that annoying. I googled around and it seems such problems have been there for years and on all platforms (so it is not my Linux). There are a few workarounds known, some make things even worse, one made game playable for me… for a single battle a time, as the screen goes black afterwards. That is ridiculous. I have not seen a game that broken for a long time now.
Posted 14 December, 2015.
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11.9 hrs on record (7.7 hrs at review time)
Przesympatyczna gierka.

Troszkę niezdarny robocik zostaje wysłany na planetę, żeby zbadać tamtejszy
ekosystem i wyhodować gwiezdną roślinę, która pomoże wrócić mu do domu.

Gra jest bardzo oryginalna i zabawna. Jest tu i zręcznościówka (kierowanie
rosnącym pędem to nie taka prosta sprawa), i przygodówka (np. można uratować
zwierzątko w tarapatach). Grafika jest bardzo prosta, ale ładna. Bawić przy tym
może się i dziecko, i dorosły.

Grow Home można ukończyć w parę godzin, ale to parę godzin wyśmienitej zabawy.
A jeśli ktoś chce zdobyć wszystkie osiągnięcia Steam, to pewnie spędzi przy tym
więcej czasu. Tak jak informują twórcy – najlepiej grać padem, ale klawiaturą i myszą też się da.

Gra działa ślicznie pod Linuksem, na tanim laptopie z Intel HD4000. Niestety, pojawił się jeden problem – z polskimi locale nie działa pad. Jak ktoś ma systemowy język ustawiony na polski i chce grać padem, to do opcji uruchamiania musi wpisać „LC_ALL=C %command%”.
Posted 28 November, 2015.
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16 people found this review helpful
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39.2 hrs on record (27.8 hrs at review time)
Skrzyżowanie Portala z Tetrisem. Z filozoficznym przesłaniem i z biblijnymi nawiązaniami. Do tego terminale, linia komend i systemy do hackowania.

Zadziwiająco udana mieszanka.
Posted 19 April, 2015.
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4 people found this review helpful
4.2 hrs on record
I bought this one because of a Steam coupon I got. And for that price it turned out quite a good game.

A bit of bomberman clone, a bit of stealth (hide in the shadows) game, a bit of puzzle. Maybe it becomes a bit repetive early, but still – for this price and that simple rules and graphics, it is quite an enjoyable game.

There is one thing, though, which makes me not to recommend this game: the 'Recommend this game' buttons in the game. „Recommendation by convenience” only spoils ratings and should not be accepted or even allowed.
Posted 7 December, 2014.
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28 people found this review helpful
67.4 hrs on record (61.4 hrs at review time)
I backed this one on Kickstarter, mainly because there was a goal set to fund a
Linux version and there was only a few games for Linux then. The idea sounded
good – reviving an old classic, something like Fallout, multiple skills and
ways to solve quests, etc.

After over two years of waiting it came. Playing it was tricky at first, due to
a 'fog of war bug' on my integrated Intel GPU. It seems the problem was known
from early beta but all the developers could say was 'Intel GPUs are not
supported'. Oh… and I thought the game was supposed to be about story,
playability and reviving classic. Nothing that should require a dedicated
gaming hardware. Current laptop should be enough. And is enough when the
workaround for the bug is known. But creators would not acknowledge that – buy
a gaming computer or don't bother us.

OK, so with the workaround for the GPU bug the game was fun to play. There were
some game bugs, sometime ruining some quests, but nothing making the game
unplayable. I have played 60 hours… and got bored. 'Dozens of skills' really
means 'many different ways to open containers' all the same containers all the
time. It is a game of opening chests and safes. And digging holes.

Yes, there is also the combat and combat skills. You need good hand gun or
sniper skills not to kill your own people by mistake… But there are also high
explosives, which you need not skill to use at all. Always 100% hit chance,
always 100% deterministic effects. How can it be? If not the price and
availability explosives would be the most effecting and safest method of fight.

Then come the patches. Some bugs were fixed, often for parts I have already
played and do not wish to come back. Some features were implemented. And you
know what? Linux is not an equal platform now. Steam achievements were
introduced two patches ago and they are 'Windows only'. Steam achievements!
I could understand, that some advanced graphics or sound effects could be
tricky to do in Linux, or that handling some exotic controller could be
impossible. But the achievements?!

It is not that Wasteland 2 is a bad game or that my contribution was waste of
money, but I am a bit disappointed and the game is not worth the 'user reviews'
rating it has now.

BTW I got bored by Fallout 2 too, so if you really love this type of games you could probably ignore my opinion.
Posted 30 November, 2014.
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2 people found this review helpful
81.2 hrs on record (67.7 hrs at review time)
Pozornie sielanka: zbieranie kwiatków, jagódek, spotykanie innychstworzeń zamieszkujących ten świat, w większości nawet wrogo nie nastawionych.
A jednak, przeżyć w tym świecie to wcale nie sielanka. Ta gra nie wybacza. W szczególności nie wybacza bezmyślności i nieuwagi. Gdy zginiesz, a zginieszi to nie raz, to nie myślisz „ale to trudne!”, a raczej „jak głupio zginąłem!”, „czemu to zrobiłem?”, „jak mogłem o tym zapomnieć?”. I grasz jeszcze raz, bo przecież drugi raz tak głupiego błędu nie zrobisz.
…i jeszcze raz, i jeszcze raz… Robiąc niby w kółko to samo, a jednak zawsze inaczej. W końcu musi się udać :)
Posted 22 November, 2014. Last edited 22 November, 2014.
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